Thesis of Stéphane Seng
Abandoned thesis: 01/10/2017
Advisor: Lionel Brunie
Coadvisor: Omar Hasan
Results obtained by the Network Analysis discipline are widely used on a great diversity of networks on condition that a specific conceptual formalism is respected, that is to represent network as a set of actors (which can be persons, groups or organizations) in relation between themselves.
However, the complexity of the actors and of the relations encountered in the Business-to-Business environment brings us to question the possibility and the pertinence to reuse or to adapt the conceptual formalism and the results obtained by the Network Analysis discipline to interorganizational networks.
Indeed, one of the main difficulties about interorganizational networks in the Business-to-Business environment is to take into account the multiplexity of the actors and of the interpersonal, intraorganizational and interorganizational relations between them.
Furthermore, other specificities about Business-to-Business relationships like competition or subcontracting relations demand a strict respect of confidentiality and privacy which will be a cross-cutting issue of our works.
The goal of this thesis is to propose a methodology, a model as well as an implementation of a social network and its mathematical tools that are adapted to the specificities of the Business-to-Business environment.
This thesis is funded by ALG (Attestation Légale) and by the Ministère de l’Enseignement Supérieur et de la Recherche (MESR) via the Association Nationale de la Recherche et de la Technologie (ANRT) by the Conventions Industrielles de Formation par la Recherche (CIFRE) grant since May 2013.