Thesis of Addisalem Negash
Defense date: 31/12/2008
Advisor: Lionel Brunie
Coadvisor: Vasile-Marian Scuturici
The goal of the thesis is to study a middleware that manages an information space dedicated to pervasive computing environments like mobile ad-hoc networks (MANETs). The middleware should represent data owned by users and provide data needed by a user in the appropriate format. The data represented in the space, data need of a user, and the format of the data to be provided are derived from context of the user and the environment, and the adaptation services provided by the environment.
In this thesis, we have proposed a self-adaptive middleware called SAMi. This middleware works proactively and transparently in a MANET that shows different behaviors. In SAMi, a device can make a brief or detailed advertisement about the files it has. The number of devices to send queries and advertisement, and the number and type of advertisements and queries are determined according to movement of users with related to their neighbors, and on interests of users. The experiments that have been performed to evaluate major features of the middleware have shown its effectiveness on sharing information on MANETs. Our future works include implementation of SAMi in a real environment and comparing it with similar middlewares.