Thesis of Talar Atechian

Query dissemination and data exchange in Vehicular Ad hoc NETworks

Start date:
Defense date: 01/11/2009

Advisor: Lionel Brunie


Inter vehicular communication in mobile ad hoc networks is becoming a promising field of research due to the variety of services it can provide. Vehicles belonging to a wireless ad hoc network form a VANET (Vehicular Ad hoc NETwork) that is a special kind of MANET (Mobile Ad hoc NETwork). Mobile ad hoc networks are infrastructure free networks, i.e. no wired or centralized base station is defined. They are characterized also by a critical dynamic topology due the mobility of the nodes. The problem of mobility becomes more challenging in VANET because of the very high mobility of mobile nodes (vehicles).
VANET targets several interesting applications such as intelligent transportation systems for safety and comfort driving. It aims to share traffic information between vehicles to avoid vehicles’ collisions and traffic jams in road networks.
In this thesis, we are targeting the mobile infotainment applications. It consists of sharing and exchanging multimedia data such as, pictures, music files and movies between mobile devices. The approach we are developing is based on dissemination protocols and information recovery on the trajectory of vehicles forming an ad hoc network.