Marc Heinrich

Former LIRIS member since: 2020-08-30

PhD student
Team(s) GOAL
Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1
Personal page
ThesisReconfiguration and combinatorial games (click to view details)

Publications (IdHAL : marc-heinrich)

Publications LIRIS pour Marc Heinrich (11)

  • 2023 (1)
  • 2022 (1)
  • 2020 (2)
    • Journals (1)
      • International journals with peer review (1)
        •  Marthe Bonamy, Oscar Defrain, Marc Heinrich, Michał Pilipczuk & Jean-Florent Raymond (2020). "Enumerating Minimal Dominating Sets in Kt-free Graphs and Variants". ACM Transactions on Algorithms, vol. 16, #3, pp. 1-23. doi : 10.1145/3386686. ArXiv : 1810.00789. HAL : hal-03448793.
    • Conferences (1)
      • International conferences with peer review (1)
        •  Marthe Bonamy, Marc Heinrich, Takehiro Ito, Yusuke Kobayashi, Haruka Mizuta, Moritz Mühlenthaler, Akira Suzuki & Kunihiro Wasa (2020). "Shortest Reconfiguration of Colorings Under Kempe Changes". 37th International Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science, STACS 2020, March 10-13, 2020, Montpellier, France, Montpellier (France), 35:1-35:14. doi : 10.4230/LIPIcs.STACS.2020.35. HAL : hal-02527059.
  • 2019 (4)
    • Journals (1)
    • Conferences (2)
      • International conferences with peer review (2)
        •  Marthe Bonamy, Nicolas Bousquet, Marc Heinrich, Takehiro Ito, Yusuke Kobayashi, Arnaud Mary, Moritz Mühlenthaler & Kunihiro Wasa (2019). "The Perfect Matching Reconfiguration Problem". MFCS 2019 - 44th International Symposium on Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science, 30 août 2019, Aachen (Germany), pp. 1-14. doi : 10.4230/LIPIcs.MFCS.2019.80. HAL : hal-02335588. .
        •  Marthe Bonamy, Oscar Defrain, Marc Heinrich & Jean-Florent Raymond (2019). "Enumerating Minimal Dominating Sets in Triangle-Free Graphs". 36th International Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science (STACS 2019), 16 mars 2019, Berlin (Germany), 16:1-16:12. doi : 10.4230/LIPIcs.STACS.2019.16. HAL : hal-02181721. .
    • Others (1)
  • 2018 (2)
  • 2017 (1)
    • Conferences (1)
      • International conferences with peer review (1)
        •  Nicolas Bousquet & Marc Heinrich (2017). "Computing maximum cliques in B 2 EPG graphs". WG: Workshop on Graph-Theoretic Concepts in Computer Science, 23 juin 2017, Eindhoven (Netherlands). HAL : hal-01557335. .