Angela Bonifati

Team(s) | BD |
Institution | Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1 |
Location | Nautibus (Université Lyon1) |
angela.bonifati at | |
Professional phone number | |
Personal page |
Publications (IdHAL : angela-bonifati)
Publications LIRIS pour Angela Bonifati (83)
- 2025 (2)
- Conferences (2)
- International conferences with peer review (2)
- Angela Bonifati, Stefania Dumbrava, Haridimos Kondylakis, Georgia Troullinou & Giannis Vassiliou (2025). "Progressive querying on knowledge graphs". International Conference on Extending Database Technology (EDBT), 28 mars 2025, Barcelona (France). doi : 10.48786/edbt.2025.09. HAL : hal-04858359.
- Amedeo Pachera, Angela Bonifati & Andrea Mauri (2025). "User-Centric Property Graph Repairs". SIGMOD/PODS '25: International Conference on Management of Data, 27 juin 2025, Berlin (Germany). HAL : hal-04774464.
- 2024 (14)
- Journals (7)
- International journals with peer review (7)
- Abd Errahmane Kiouche, Julien Baste, Mohammed Haddad, Hamida Seba & Angela Bonifati (2024). "Neighborhood-Preserving Graph Sparsification". Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment (PVLDB). HAL : hal-04705442.
- Yasmine Djebrouni, Nawel Benarba, Ousmane Touat, Pasquale De Rosa, Sara Bouchenak, Angela Bonifati, Pascal Felber, Vania Marangozova & Valerio Schiavoni (2024). "Bias Mitigation in Federated Learning for Edge Computing". Proceedings of the ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies, vol. 7, #4, pp. 1-35. doi : 10.1145/3631455. HAL : hal-04394438.
- Antoine Willerval, Dennis Diefenbach & Angela Bonifati (2024). "qEndpoint: A Novel Triple Store Architecture for Large RDF Graphs". Semantic Web – Interoperability, Usability, Applicability. HAL : hal-04769164.
- Angela Bonifati, M. Tamer Ozsu, Yuanyuan Tian, Hannes Voigt, Wenyuan Yu & Wenjie Zhang (2024). "A Roadmap to Graph Analytics". SIGMOD record, vol. 53, #4, pp. 43-51. doi : 10.1145/3712311.3712323. HAL : hal-04938780.
- Angela Bonifati (2024). "The Long and Winding Road to Mid-Career Academia". SIGMOD record, vol. 53, #2, pp. 48-51. doi : 10.1145/3685980.3685990. HAL : hal-04858341.
- Angela Bonifati, Yann Ramusat, Filip Murlak, Amela Fejza & Rachid Echahed (2024). "DTGraph: Declarative Transformations of Property Graphs". Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment (PVLDB), vol. 17, #12, pp. 4265-4268. doi : 10.14778/3685800.3685851. HAL : hal-04771261.
- Chao Zhang, Angela Bonifati & M Özsu (2024). "Incremental Sliding Window Connectivity over Streaming Graphs". Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment (PVLDB), vol. 17, pp. 2473-2486. doi : 10.14778/3675034.3675040. ArXiv : 2406.06754. HAL : hal-04775447.
- Conferences (5)
- International conferences with peer review (5)
- Elliot Faugier, Frédéric Armetta, Angela Bonifati & Bruno Yun (2024). "Assisted Debated Builder with Large Language Models". Europen Conference On Artificial Intelligence, 24 octobre 2024, Santiago de Compostela (Spain). doi : 10.3233/FAIA241026. ArXiv : 2405.13015. HAL : hal-04742709.
- Samuele Langhi, Angela Bonifati & Riccardo Tommasini (2024). "Towards Streaming Consistency Management". 2024 IEEE 40th International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE), 16 mai 2024, Utrecht (Netherlands), pp. 5663-5663. doi : 10.1109/ICDE60146.2024.00462. HAL : hal-04692978.
- Jérôme Arnoux, Angela Bonifati, A. Calteau, Stefania Dumbrava & Guillaume Gautreau (2024). "Integrating complex pangenome graphs". 2024 IEEE 40th International Conference on Data Engineering Workshops (ICDEW), 16 mai 2024, Utrecht (New Zealand), pp. 350-354. doi : 10.1109/ICDEW61823.2024.00052. HAL : hal-04660364.
- Paul Juillard, Angela Bonifati & Andrea Mauri (2024). "Interactive Graph Repairs for Neighborhood Constraints". International Conference on Extending Database Technology, 28 mars 2024, Paestum (Italy), pp. 175-187. doi : 10.48786/edbt.2024.16. HAL : hal-04335195.
- Sebastian Labbe, Samuele Langhi, Angela Bonifati & Riccardo Tommasini (2024). "Towards a Semiring for Continuous Query Provenance". Alberto Mendelzon International Workshop on Foundations of Data Management (AMW) 2024, 4 octobre 2024, Mexico City (Mexico). HAL : hal-04811584.
- Patents and softwares (1)
- Elliot Faugier, Frédéric Armetta, Angela Bonifati & Bruno Yun (2024). "ADBL2: Assisted Debate Builder with Large Language Models". HAL : hal-04662012.
- Book edition (books, chapters, seminars, congress, special numbers) (1)
- Antoine Willerval, Dennis Diefenbach & Angela Bonifati (2024). "Generate and Update Large HDT RDF Knowledge Graphs on Commodity Hardware". The Semantic Web: 21st International Conference, ESWC 2024, Hersonissos, Crete, Greece, May 26–30, 2024, Proceedings, Part II, Albert Meroño Peñuela, Anastasia Dimou, Raphaël Troncy, Olaf Hartig, Maribel Acosta, Mehwish Alam, Heiko Paulheim, Pasquale Lisena, Springer, pp. 128-144. doi : 10.1007/978-3-031-60635-9_8. HAL : hal-04769139.
- 2023 (10)
- Journals (5)
- International journals with peer review (5)
- Chao Zhang, Angela Bonifati & M. Tamer Özsu (2023). "Indexing Techniques for Graph Reachability Queries". Computing Research Repository. doi : 10.48550/arXiv.2311.03542. HAL : hal-04370058.
- Angela Bonifati, Sihem Amer-Yahia, Chen Lei, Li Guoliang, Shim Kyuseok, Xu Jianliang & Yang Xiaochun (2023). "From Large Language Models to Databases and Back A discussion on research and education". SIGMOD record, vol. 52, #3, pp 49-56. doi : 10.1145/3631504.3631518. HAL : hal-04370096.
- Jeff Pan, Simon Razniewski, Jan-Christoph Kalo, Sneha Singhania, Jiaoyan Chen, Stefan Dietze, Hajira Jabeen, Janna Omeliyanenko, Wen Zhang et al. (2023). "Large Language Models and Knowledge Graphs: Opportunities and Challenges". Transactions on Graph Data and Knowledge. doi : 10.48550/arXiv.2308.06374. HAL : hal-04370111.
- Angela Bonifati (2023). "Technical Perspective: Sortledton: a Universal Graph Data Structure". SIGMOD record, vol. 52, #1, pp. 16-16. doi : 10.1145/3604437.3604441. HAL : hal-04858348.
- Axel Polleres, Romana Pernisch, Angela Bonifati, Daniele Dell'aglio, Daniil Dobriy, Stefania Dumbrava, Lorena Etcheverry, Nicolas Ferranti, Katja Hose et al. (2023). "How does knowledge evolve in open knowledge graphs?". Transactions on Graph Data and Knowledge, vol. 1, #1, 11:1-11:59. doi : 10.4230/TGDK.1.1.11. HAL : hal-04373234.
- Conferences (4)
- International conferences with peer review (4)
- Chao Zhang, Angela Bonifati & M. Tamer Özsu (2023). "An Overview of Reachability Indexes on Graphs". SIGMOD/PODS '23: International Conference on Management of Data, 23 juin 2023, Seattle WA USA (United States of America). doi : 10.1145/3555041.3589408. HAL : hal-04347158.
- Chao Zhang, Angela Bonifati, Hugo Kapp, Vlad Ioan Haprian & Jean-Pierre Lozi (2023). "A Reachability Index for Recursive Label-Concatenated Graph Queries". ICDE 2023 - 39th IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering, 7 avril 2023, Anaheim (United States of America). HAL : hal-03905483.
- Renzo Angles, Angela Bonifati, Stefania Dumbrava, George Fletcher, Alastair Green, Jan Hidders, Bei Li, Leonid Libkin, Victor Marsault et al. (2023). "PG-Schema: schemas for property graphs". ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data (SIGMOD), 23 juin 2023, Seattle, WA (United States of America), pp. 1-25. doi : 10.1145/3589778. ArXiv : 2211.10962. HAL : hal-04224583.
- Angela Bonifati, Stefania Dumbrava, Haridimos Kondylakis, Georgia Troullinou & Giannis Vassiliou (2023). "PING: progressive querying on RDF graphs". 22nd International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC Demo track 2023), 10 novembre 2023, Athens (Greece). HAL : hal-04479479.
- Others (1)
- Antoine Willerval, Dennis Diefenbach & Angela Bonifati (2023). "qEndpoint: A Wikidata SPARQL endpoint on commodity hardware". doi : 10.1145/3543873.3587327. HAL : hal-04370881.
- 2022 (6)
- Journals (2)
- International journals with peer review (2)
- Angela Bonifati, Stefania Dumbrava, George Fletcher, Jan Hidders, Matthias Hofer, Wim Martens, Filip Murlak, Joshua Shinavier, Slawomir Staworko & Dominik Tomaszuk (2022). "Threshold queries in theory and in the Wild". Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment (PVLDB), vol. 15, #5, pp. 1105-1118. doi : 10.14778/3510397.3510407. HAL : hal-03516360.
- Sihem Amer-Yahia, Angela Bonifati, Cécile Favre, Elisa Fromont, Nicolas Labroche, Guy Melançon, Florence Sèdes, Arnaud Soulet & Alexandre Termier (2022). "Diversity and Inclusion Activities in EGC - A 2022 Report". SIGKDD explorations : newsletter of the Special Interest Group (SIG) on Knowledge Discovery & Data Mining, vol. 24, #1, pp. 52-56. doi : 10.1145/3544903.3544911. HAL : hal-03878581.
- Conferences (4)
- International conferences with peer review (4)
- Ugo Comignani, Laure Berti-Équille, Noël Novelli & Angela Bonifati (2022). "Provenance-aware Discovery of Functional Dependencies on Integrated Views". ICDE 2022 - 38th IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering, 12 mai 2022, Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia), pp. 1-15. ArXiv : 2112.09011. HAL : hal-03474955.
- Angela Bonifati, Stefania Dumbrava, Emile Martinez, Fatemeh Ghasemi, Malo Jaffré, Pacôme Luton & Thomas Pickles (2022). "DiscoPG: property graph schema discovery and exploration". 48th International Conference on Very Large Data Bases(VLDB 2022), 9 septembre 2022, Sydney (Australia), pp. 3654-3657. doi : 10.14778/3554821.3554867. HAL : hal-03771388.
- Angela Bonifati, Stefania Dumbrava & Nicolas Mir (2022). "Hierarchical clustering for property graph schema discovery". 25th International Conference on Extending Database Technology (EDBT ), 1 avril 2022, Edinburgh (United Kingdom), pp. 449-453. HAL : hal-03692293.
- Anil Pacaci, Angela Bonifati & M. Tamer Ozsu (2022). "Evaluating Complex Queries on Streaming Graphs". 2022 IEEE 38th International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE), 12 mai 2022, Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia), pp. 272-285. doi : 10.1109/ICDE53745.2022.00025. HAL : hal-03907496.
- 2021 (9)
- Journals (3)
- International journals with peer review (2)
- Christos Koutras, Kyriakos Psarakis, George Siachamis, Andra Ionescu, Marios Fragkoulis, Angela Bonifati & Asterios Katsifodimos (2021). "Valentine in action: Matching Tabular Data at Scale". Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment (PVLDB), vol. 14, #12, pp. 2871-2874. doi : 10.14778/3476311.3476366. HAL : hal-04933896.
- Angela Bonifati, Irena Holubovà, Arnau Prat-Pérez & Sherif Sakr (2021). "Graph Generators: State of the Art and Open Challenges". ACM Computing Surveys. doi : 10.1145/3379445. ArXiv : 2001.07906. HAL : hal-02435371.
- Other journals (1)
- Sherif Sakr, Angela Bonifati, Hannes Voigt, Alexandru Iosup, Khaled Ammar, Renzo Angles, Walid Aref, Marcelo Arenas, Maciej Besta et al. (2021). "The future is big graphs: a community view on graph processing systems". Communications of the ACM, vol. 64, #9, pp. 62-71. doi : 10.1145/3434642. ArXiv : 2012.06171. HAL : hal-03128601.
- Conferences (6)
- International conferences with peer review (6)
- Renzo Angles, Angela Bonifati, Stefania Dumbrava, George Fletcher, Keith Hare, Jan Hidders, Victor Lee, Bei Li, Leonid Libkin et al. (2021). "PG-Keys: keys for property graphs". The 2021 International Conference on Management of Data (SIGMOD '21), 25 juin 2021, Xi'an (China). doi : 10.1145/3448016.3457561. HAL : hal-03189192.
- Angela Bonifati, Ugo Comignani & Efthymia Tsamoura (2021). "Exchanging Data under Policy Views". EDBT 2021 - 24th International Conference on Extending Database Technology, 26 mars 2021, Nicosia (Cyprus). doi : 10.5441/002/edbt.2021.02. HAL : hal-03149043.
- Hanâ Lbath, Angela Bonifati & Russ Harmer (2021). "Schema Inference for Property Graphs". EDBT 2021 - 24th International Conference on Extending Database Technology, 26 mars 2021, Nicosia (Cyprus), pp. 499-504. doi : 10.5441/002/edbt.2021.58. HAL : hal-03361480.
- Donato Tiano, Angela Bonifati & Raymond Ng (2021). "FeatTS: Feature-based Time Series Clustering". SIGMOD/PODS '21: International Conference on Management of Data, 18 juin 2021, Virtual Event (China), pp. 2784-2788. doi : 10.1145/3448016.3452757. HAL : hal-03548278.
- Donato Tiano, Angela Bonifati & Raymond Ng (2021). "Human-Centered Clustering for Time Series Data". 3rd Workshop on Data Science with Human in the Loop @ KDD 2021, 15 août 2021, Singapore (virtual) (Singapore). HAL : hal-03548284.
- Donato Tiano, Angela Bonifati & Raymond Ng (2021). "Feature-Driven Time Series Clustering". 24th International Conference on Extending Database Technology, EDBT 2021, 20 mai 2021, Nicosia (Cyprus). doi : 10.5441/002/edbt.2021.33. HAL : hal-03548280.
- 2020 (9)
- Journals (3)
- International journals with peer review (3)
- Ousmane Issa, Angela Bonifati & Farouk Toumani (2020). "Evaluating Top-k Queries with Inconsistency Degrees". Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment (PVLDB), vol. 13, #12, pp. 2146-2158. doi : 10.14778/3407790.3407815. HAL : hal-02898931.
- Guillaume Bagan, Angela Bonifati & Benoit Groz (2020). "A trichotomy for regular simple path queries on graphs". Journal of Computer and System Sciences, vol. 108, pp. 29-48. doi : 10.1016/j.jcss.2019.08.006. HAL : hal-02435355.
- Angela Bonifati, Wim Martens & Thomas Timm (2020). "An Analytical Study of Large SPARQL Query Logs". The VLDB Journal, vol. 29, 2-3, pp. 655-679. doi : 10.1007/s00778-019-00558-9. HAL : hal-03118422.
- Conferences (3)
- International conferences with peer review (3)
- Rémy Delanaux, Angela Bonifati, Marie-Christine Rousset & Romuald Thion (2020). "RDF graph anonymization robust to data linkage". WISE 2019 - 20th International Conference on Web Information Systems Engineering, 22 janvier 2020, Hong Kong (China), pp. 491-506. doi : 10.1007/978-3-030-34223-4_31. HAL : hal-02444752.
- Anil Pacaci, Angela Bonifati & Tamer Özsu (2020). "Regular Path Query Evaluation on Streaming Graphs". SIGMOD 2020 - ACM International Conference on Management of Data, 19 juin 2020, Portland (United States of America), pp. 1415-1430. doi : 10.1145/3318464.3389733. ArXiv : 2004.02012. HAL : hal-03118350.
- Angela Bonifati, Wim Martens & Thomas Timm (2020). "SHARQL: Shape Analysis of Recursive SPARQL Queries". SIGMOD/PODS 2020 - International Conference on Management of Data, 19 juin 2020, Portland OR (United States of America), pp. 2701-2704. doi : 10.1145/3318464.3384684. HAL : hal-03125718.
- Others (3)
- Christos Koutras, George Siachamis, Andra Ionescu, Kyriakos Psarakis, Jerry Brons, Marios Fragkoulis, Christoph Lofi, Angela Bonifati & Asterios Katsifodimos (2020). "Valentine: Evaluating Matching Techniques for Dataset Discovery". ArXiv : 2010.07386. HAL : hal-03128590.
- Ousmane Issa, Angela Bonifati & Farouk Toumani (2020). "A relational framework for inconsistency-aware query answering". HAL : hal-02934283.
- Angela Bonifati, Stefania Dumbrava & Haridimos Kondylakis (2020). "Graph summarization". ArXiv : 2004.14794. HAL : hal-03128573.
- 2019 (7)
- Journals (3)
- International journals with peer review (3)
- Angela Bonifati, Ugo Comignani & Efthymia Tsamoura (2019). "Repairing mappings under policy views". Computing Research Repository. doi : 10.48550/arXiv.1903.09242. HAL : hal-04370079.
- Vincent Looten, Liliane Kong Win Chang, Antoine Neuraz, Marie-Anne Landau-Loriot, Benoit Vedie, Jean-Louis Paul, Laetitia Mauge, Nadia Rivet, Angela Bonifati et al. (2019). "What can millions of laboratory test results tell us about the temporal aspect of data quality? Study of data spanning 17 years in a clinical data warehouse". Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, vol. 181, pp. 1-20. doi : 10.1016/j.cmpb.2018.12.030. HAL : hal-01978796.
- Angela Bonifati, Ugo Comignani, Emmanuel Coquery & Romuald Thion (2019). "Interactive Mapping Specification with Exemplar Tuples". ACM Transactions on Database Systems, vol. 44, #3, p. 44. doi : 10.1145/3321485. HAL : hal-02096764.
- Conferences (4)
- International conferences with peer review (4)
- Angela Bonifati, Wim Martens & Thomas Timm (2019). "Navigating the Maze of Wikidata Query Logs". WWW 2019 - The World Wide Web Conference, 17 mai 2019, San Francisco (United States of America), pp. 127-138. doi : 10.1145/3308558.3313472. HAL : hal-02096714.
- Angela Bonifati, Ugo Comignani & Efthymia Tsamoura (2019). "MapRepair: Mapping and Repairing under Policy Views". SIGMOD 2019 - ACM SIGMOD/PODS International Conference on Management of Data, 5 juillet 2019, Amsterdam (Netherlands), 1873-1876 (Demonstration. doi : 10.1145/3299869.3320228. HAL : hal-02096750.
- Stefania Dumbrava, Angela Bonifati, Amaia Nazabal Ruiz Diaz & Romain Vuillemot (2019). "Approximate Querying on Property Graphs". SUM 2019 - 13th international conference on Scalable Uncertainty Management, 18 décembre 2019, Compiègne (France), pp. 250-265. doi : 10.1007/978-3-030-35514-2_19. HAL : hal-02417259.
- Angela Bonifati, Peter Furniss, Alastair Green, Russ Harmer, Eugenia Oshurko & Hannes Voigt (2019). "Schema validation and evolution for graph databases". ER 2019 - 38th International Conference on Conceptual Modeling, 7 novembre 2019, Salvador (Brazil), pp. 448-456. doi : 10.1007/978-3-030-33223-5_37. HAL : hal-02138771.
- 2018 (11)
- Journals (3)
- International journals with peer review (3)
- Angela Bonifati & Stefania Dumbrava (2018). "Graph Queries: From Theory to Practice". SIGMOD record, vol. 47, #4, pp. 5-16. doi : 10.1145/3335409.3335411. HAL : hal-01977048.
- Angela Bonifati, Stefania Dumbrava & Emilio Jesús Gallego Arias (2018). "Certified Graph View Maintenance with Regular Datalog". Theory and Practice of Logic Programming, vol. 18, 3-4, pp. 372-389. doi : 10.1017/S1471068418000224. HAL : hal-01932818.
- Martin Hirzel, Guillaume Baudart, Angela Bonifati, Emanuele Della Valle, Sherif Sakr & Akrivi Akrivi Vlachou (2018). "Stream Processing Languages in the Big Data Era". SIGMOD record, vol. 47, #2, pp. 29-40. doi : 10.1145/3299887.3299892. HAL : hal-01979695.
- Conferences (4)
- International conferences with peer review (4)
- Abdallah Arioua & Angela Bonifati (2018). "User-guided Repairing of Inconsistent Knowledge Bases". EDBT 2018 - 21st International Conference on Extending Database Technology, 29 mars 2018, Vienna (Austria), pp. 133-144. doi : 10.5441/002/edbt.2018.13. HAL : hal-01979680.
- Rémy Delanaux, Angela Bonifati, Marie-Christine Rousset & Romuald Thion (2018). "Query-based Linked Data Anonymization". The 17th International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC 2018), 12 octobre 2018, Monterey (United States of America), pp. 530-546. doi : 10.1007/978-3-030-00671-6_31. HAL : hal-01896276.
- Angela Bonifati, Wim Martens & Thomas Timm (2018). "DARQL: Deep Analysis of SPARQL Queries". Companion of the The Web Conference 2018 on The Web Conference 2018 (WWW), 23 avril 2018, Lyon (France), pp. 187-190. doi : 10.1145/3184558.3186975. HAL : hal-01983137.
- Laure Berti-Équille, Angela Bonifati & Tova Milo (2018). "Machine Learning to Data Management: A Round Trip". Proceedings of the 34th IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE), Paris (France), pp. 1735-1738. doi : 10.1109/ICDE.2018.00226. HAL : hal-01795315.
- Book edition (books, chapters, seminars, congress, special numbers) (4)
- Angela Bonifati, George Fletcher, Hannes Voigt & Nikolay Yakovets (2018). "Querying Graphs". Morgan & Claypool Publishers. doi : 10.2200/S00873ED1V01Y201808DTM051. HAL : hal-01974379.
- Angela Bonifati & Ioana Ileana (2018). "Graph Data Integration and Exchange". Encyclopedia of Big Data Technologies., Springer International Publishing. HAL : hal-02051987.
- Angela Bonifati & Arnau Prat-Pérez (2018). "Graph Generation and Benchmarks". Encyclopedia of Big Data Technologies., Springer International Publishing. doi : 10.1007/978-3-319-63962-8_79-1. HAL : hal-02051979.
- Angela Bonifati, George Fletcher, Jan Hidders & Alexandru Iosup (2018). "A Survey of Benchmarks for Graph-Processing Systems". Graph Data Management, Fundamental Issues and Recent Developments., pp. 163-186. doi : 10.1007/978-3-319-96193-4_6. HAL : hal-01979696.
- 2017 (6)
- Journals (2)
- International journals with peer review (2)
- Guillaume Bagan, Angela Bonifati, Radu Ciucanu, George Fletcher, Aurélien Lemay & Nicky Advokaat (2017). "gMark: Schema-Driven Generation of Graphs and Queries". IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, vol. 29, #4, pp. 856-869. doi : 10.1109/TKDE.2016.2633993. ArXiv : 1511.08386. HAL : hal-01402575.
- Angela Bonifati, Wim Martens & Thomas Timm (2017). "An analytical study of large SPARQL query logs". Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment (PVLDB), vol. 11, #2, pp. 149-161. doi : 10.14778/3149193.3149196. ArXiv : 1708.00363. HAL : hal-01979692.
- Conferences (4)
- International conferences with peer review (4)
- Guillaume Bagan, Angela Bonifati, Radu Ciucanu, George Fletcher, Aurélien Lemay & Nicky Advokaat (2017). "gMark: Schema-Driven Generation of Graphs and Queries". Data Engineering (ICDE), 2017 IEEE 33rd International Conference on, 19 avril 2017, San Diego (United States of America), pp. 63-64. doi : 10.1109/ICDE.2017.38. HAL : hal-01591706.
- Angela Bonifati, Ugo Comignani, Emmanuel Coquery & Romuald Thion (2017). "Interactive Mapping Specification with Exemplar Tuples". ACM International Conference on Management of Data (SIGMOD 2017), 19 mai 2017, Chicago, IL (United States of America), pp. 667-682. doi : 10.1145/3035918.3064028. HAL : hal-01548855.
- Angela Bonifati, Ioana Ileana & Michele Linardi (2017). "ChaseFUN: a Data Exchange Engine for Functional Dependencies at Scale". International Conference on Extending DatabaseTechnology (EDBT), 21 mars 2017, Venice (Italy), pp. 534-537. HAL : hal-01979684.
- W. J. Van Leeuwen, Angela Bonifati, George Fletcher & Nikolay Yakovets (2017). "Stability notions in synthetic graph generation: a preliminary study". International Conference on Extending DatabaseTechnology (EDBT), 21 mars 2017, Venice (Italy), pp. 486-489. doi : 10.5441/002/edbt.2017.51. HAL : hal-01979690.
- 2016 (7)
- Journals (3)
- International journals with peer review (3)
- Angela Bonifati, Werner Nutt, Riccardo Torlone & Jan Van Den Bussche (2016). "Mapping-equivalence and oid-equivalence of single-function object-creating conjunctive queries". The VLDB Journal, vol. 25, #3, pp. 381-397. doi : 10.1007/s00778-016-0421-x. HAL : hal-01401108.
- Angela Bonifati, Radu Ciucanu & Slawomir Staworko (2016). "Learning Join Queries from User Examples". ACM Transactions on Database Systems, vol. 40, #4, 24:1-24:38. doi : 10.1145/2818637. HAL : hal-01187986.
- Guillaume Bagan, Angela Bonifati, Radu Ciucanu, George Fletcher, Aurélien Lemay & Nicky Advokaat (2016). "Generating Flexible Workloads for Graph Databases". Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment (PVLDB), vol. 9, #13, pp. 1457-1460. HAL : hal-01330111.
- Conferences (4)
- International conferences with peer review (2)
- Angela Bonifati, Ioana Ileana & Michele Linardi (2016). "Functional Dependencies Unleashed for Scalable Data Exchange". International Conference on Scientific and Statistical Database Management (SSDBM), 20 juillet 2016, Budapest (Hungary), 2:1-2:12. doi : 10.1145/2949689.2949698. HAL : hal-01401405.
- Khalid Belhajjame & Angela Bonifati (2016). "Data Exchange with MapReduce: A First Cut". International Conference on Scientific and Statistical Database Management (SSDBM), 20 juillet 2016, Budapest (Hungary), 22:1-22:4. doi : 10.1145/2949689.2949702. HAL : hal-01401594.
- National conferences with peer review (2)
- Guillaume Bagan, Angela Bonifati, Radu Ciucanu, George Fletcher, Aurélien Lemay & Nicky Advokaat (2016). "Génération de Requêtes pour les Bases de Données Orientées Graphes". 32ème Conférence sur la Gestion de Données - Principes, Technologies et Applications - BDA 2016, 18 novembre 2016, Futuroscope, Poitiers (France). HAL : hal-01402582.
- Guillaume Bagan, Angela Bonifati, Radu Ciucanu, George Fletcher, Aurélien Lemay & Nicky Advokaat (2016). "gMark : Génération de Graphes et de Requêtes Dirigée par le Schéma". 32ème Conférence sur la Gestion de Données - Principes, Technologies et Applications - BDA 2016, 18 novembre 2016, Futuroscope, Poitiers (France). HAL : hal-01402580.
- 2015 (2)
- Conferences (2)
- National conferences with peer review (2)
- Angela Bonifati, Radu Ciucanu & Aurélien Lemay (2015). "Interactive Path Query Specification on Graph Databases". 31ème Conférence sur la Gestion de Données - Principes, Technologies et Applications - BDA 2015, 29 septembre 2015, Île de Porquerolles (France). HAL : hal-01187975.
- Angela Bonifati, Radu Ciucanu & Aurélien Lemay (2015). "Learning Path Queries on Graph Databases". BDA 2015 - 31ème Conférence sur la Gestion de Données - Principes, Technologies et Applications, 29 septembre 2015, Île de Porquerolles (France). HAL : hal-01187966.