When video games become a tool for neuroscience

Conference and demo as part of Brain Week. For one evening, discover and test the Sea Hero Quest video game, and compare your sense of direction with that of 4 million other players around the world.

The incredible adventure of Sea Hero Quest, a video game designed by neuroscientists, is to record and analyze the gaming practices of millions of people all over the world, in order to design research and diagnostic tools. Over the course of an evening, discover and test the game, compare your practices with those of 4 million other players, and discuss with scientists the dozens of international research projects currently underway using the game's data.


Tire toi une bûche - game bar

71 rue Bugeaud, 69006 Lyon, France

Registration required (specify "Bûche tes sciences-4 mars" in comments).


  • March 4, 2024
  • at 7:30pm


  • Antoine Coutrot, CNRS researcher in cognitive sciences, Laboratoire d'Informatique en Images et Systèmes d'Information


  • Open to all
