Master’s thesis award for Léa Mosesso by the National Digital Council

Marina Ferrari, minister of state for digital affairs, handed the best master thesis award of the National Digital Council to Léa Mosesso on May the 17th. Léa is a design researcher in the Sical team working on the Digital Limits project. She wrote her master’s thesis on the work conducted during her internship in the Sical team in 2022.

The award was handed out in conjunction with the presentation of the guidelines for the eco-design of digital services (RGESN) by Arcep and Arcom. These guidelines, developed with ADEME and in collaboration with DINUM, CNIL and INRIA, incorporates proposals from the Limites Numériques project, particularly with regard to the ability to controle the settings of our devices.

Léa Mosesso presented her paper to the minister of state for Digital Affairs, the heads of regulatory authorities Arcep and Arcom, and Ademe.

In February, Thomas Thibault, co-founder of the Praticable studio, designer in residence in the Sical team, presented the work of the Limites Numériques project and our contribution to the guide of the “club de la durabilité” Eco-design for long-lasting and reparable products" (pdf) at the French National Assembly.

Finally, two articles in Le Monde mentioned the team's work: