Cheikh Hito Kacfah Emani

Former LIRIS member since: 2016-11-30
Quality | PhD student |
Team(s) | SOC |
Institution | Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1 |
Thesis | Automatic Detection and Semantic Formalisation of Business Rules and Business Services (click to view details) |
Publications (IdHAL : cheikh-kacfah-emani)
Publications LIRIS pour Cheikh Hito Kacfah Emani (8)
- 2019 (1)
- Journals (1)
- International journals with peer review (1)
- Cheikh Kacfah Emani, Catarina Ferreira Da Silva, Bruno Fies & Parisa Ghodous (2019). "NALDO: From natural language definitions to OWL expressions". Data and Knowledge Engineering, p. 29. doi : 10.1016/j.datak.2019.06.002. HAL : hal-02158203.
- 2016 (2)
- Conferences (1)
- International conferences with peer review (1)
- Cheikh Emani, Catarina Ferreira Da Silva, Bruno Fiès, Alain Zarli & Parisa Ghodous (2016). "An Approach for Automatic Formalization of Business Rules". Proc. of the 33rd CIB W78 (International Council for Research and Innovation in Building and Construction) Conference 2016, 2 novembre 2016, Brisbane (Australia), p. 11. HAL : hal-01396916.
- Book edition (books, chapters, seminars, congress, special numbers) (1)
- Cheikh Hito Kacfah Emani, Catarina Ferreira Da Silva, Bruno Fies & Parisa Ghodous (2016). "Improving open information extraction for semantic web tasks". Transactions on computational collective intelligence XXI, Springer Verlag, pp. 139-158. doi : 10.1007/978-3-662-49521-6_6. HAL : hal-01229542.
- 2015 (2)
- Journals (1)
- International journals with peer review (1)
- Cheikh Emani, Catarina Ferreira Da Silva, Bruno Fies & Parisa Ghodous (2015). "BEAUFORD: A Benchmark for Evaluation of Formalisation of Definitions in OWL". Open Journal Of Semantic Web, vol. 2, #1, pp. 3-14. HAL : hal-01217090.
- Conferences (1)
- International conferences with peer review (1)
- Cheikh Kacfah Emani, Catarina Ferreira Da Silva, Bruno Fiès, Parisa Ghodous & Marc Bourdeau (2015). "Automated Semantic Enrichment of Ontologies in the Construction Domain". 32nd CIB W78 Council for Research and Innovation in Building and Construction Conference, 29 octobre 2015, Eindhoven (Netherlands), pp. 159-164. HAL : hal-01229539.
- 2014 (3)
- Conferences (3)
- International conferences with peer review (3)
- Cheikh Emani, Catarina Ferreira Da Silva, Bruno Fiès, Parisa Ghodous & Farzad Khosrowshahi (2014). "Structural Sentence Decomposition via Open Information Extraction". 18th International Conference Information Visualisation (IV2014), 15 juillet 2014, University of Paris Descartes (France), pp. 1-6. HAL : hal-01301084.
- Cheikh Emani, Catarina Ferreira Da Silva, Bruno Fiès & Parisa Ghodous (2014). "Improving Open Information Extraction using Domain Knowledge". Surfacing the Deep and the Social Web (SDSW), co-located with The 13th International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC 2014), 19 octobre 2014, Riva del Garda, Trentino (Italy), pp. 1-7. HAL : hal-01301085.
- Cheikh Emani (2014). "Automatic Detection and Semantic Formalisation of Business Rules". Extended Semantic Web Conference - PhD Symposium, 25 mai 2014, Anissaras, Crète (Greece), pp. 834-844. HAL : hal-01314486.