Alix Ducros

Former LIRIS member since: 2022-09-30
Quality | Collaborateur extérieur |
Team(s) | SICAL |
Institution | Autre |
Personal page | |
Publications (IdHAL : alix-ducros)
Publications LIRIS pour Alix Ducros (4)
- 2020 (1)
- Conferences (1)
- International conferences with peer review (1)
- Daisy Yoo, Peter Dalsgaard, Alix Ducros, Aurélien Tabard, Eva Eriksson & Clemens Klokmose (2020). "Putting Down Roots: Exploring the Placeness of Virtual Collections in Public Libraries". Designing Interactive Systems, 6 juillet 2020, Eindhoven (Netherlands). doi : 10.1145/3357236.3395587. HAL : hal-02869225.
- 2019 (1)
- Conferences (1)
- International conferences with peer review (1)
- Alix Ducros, Clemens Klokmose & Aurélien Tabard (2019). "Situated Sketching and Enactment for Pervasive Displays". Interactive Surfaces and Spaces 2019, 10 novembre 2019, Daejeon (France), pp. 217-228. doi : 10.1145/3343055.3359702. HAL : hal-02294757.
- 2018 (2)
- Conferences (1)
- International conferences with peer review (1)
- Sofia Serholt, Eva Eriksson, Peter Dalsgaard, Raphaëlle Bats & Alix Ducros (2018). "Opportunities and challenges for technology development and adoption in public libraries". NordiCHI, 29 septembre 2018, Oslo (Norway), pp. 311-322. doi : 10.1145/3240167.3240198. HAL : hal-01891181.
- Others (1)
- Carla Groschel, Peter Dalsgaard, Clemens Klokmose, Henrik Korsgaard, Eva Eriksson, Raphaëlle Bats, Aurélien Tabard, Alix Ducros & Sofia Serholt (2018). "PARTICIPATE: Capturing Knowledge in Public Library Activities". Late Breaking Work, CHI’18 Extended Abstracts. doi : 10.1145/3170427.3188605. HAL : hal-01734893.