Thesis of Frédéric Pedrinis

Representations and dynamics of the virtual city

Start date: 01/10/2014
Defense date: 17/10/2017

Advisor: Gilles Gesquiere
Coadvisor: Yannick Perret


Geospatial information is increasingly present in our daily lives. It provides guidance, helps to understand phenomena, to decide, etc. In this context, cities generate a wide range of heterogeneous data, composed of geometric information (2D, 3D), semantic and topological data to represent their territory and its evolution over time.
According to practitioners use cases, data must however be processed and adapted to provide an adequate representation of the city. Processes must also meet interoperability constraints to enable their reuse with data from other cities. The design of these processes is thus based on the use of international standards recognized and developed by experts in the geospatial information.
In this thesis, we search to design and build these different representations of the city by agglomerating heterogeneous models in order to gather complementary information and thus allow new uses. The positioning of this thesis within the Labex “Intelligence des Mondes Urbains” allows us to promote the necessary interactions with practitioners and experts from various fields, in order to better understand the rules leading to these thematic representations of the city.