Thesis of Lucian Stanculescu
Start date: 01/10/2008
Defense date: 01/09/2011
Advisor: Raphaëlle Chaine
Our team has developed efficient reconstruction algorithms
allowing the generation of a mesh from the Delaunay tetrahedralisation
of a point cloud. The results obtained for static objects have
appeared in different publications. These reconstruction algorithms
output quality compact meshes at efficient rates, comparable to those
existing at the moment. They also allow updating the surface by adding
or deleting points, but deformable surfaces still create a number of
problems, which we intend to solve here.
Another goal of this PhD is to use the previous results for an
interactive modeling project. The idea is to allow users to modify the
surface as in 3D sculpting in very intuitive ways. This application
will make use of the different geometric models that exist at the
moment and a prototype for object generation from sketches that was
previously developed in the team.