Thesis of Issa Bara Issa Berthe
Defense date: 31/12/2007
Advisor: Ahmed Bounekkar
Just before the 21st century, the challenge of the development is to find the rules and the institutions permitting to reinforce and to improve the sectarian, local, national, regional and world governance. The evolution of the progress, the knowledge, and the knowledge to make having taken in the space and having condensed the time, made the Men, of their adherence become aware to the same world network of aspiration to the development. Here is why a majority of country (rich and poor) subscribed to common objectives of development (objectives of the millennium). This enthusiasm voluntary will survive it to the absence or to the weakness of factual data permitting to support their policies better by indicators that means tools of help to the decision: system of information?
The ultimate objective of this work consists to the analysis of the economic environment, politics, cultural, social, and especially sanitary of Mali, through the systems of information, to clear the essential features of his/her/its health system, the efficient priorities that it serves, the main hiatuses of his/her/its action, and therefore to prepare some decisions concerning allowance of resources, as well as to make the scheduling and rational programming in order to reach the objectives of the millennium for the development. The other scientific interest that such a survey causes, is the supply of a conceptual and formal setting of indicators serving to nourish the whole pyramid of the sanitary system of a country to the means enough limited and under constraint of outside financing.
To finish, we will examine the consequences that induced the absence of formal information system in the fixing of the supportable priorities and in the follow-up and the assessment of the activities of the sanitary structures.