Rémy Cazabet

Associate Professor
Team(s) | DM2L |
Institution | Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1 |
Location | Nautibus (Université Lyon1) Blaise Pascal (INSA) |
remy.cazabet at liris.cnrs.fr | |
Personal page |
Publications (IdHAL : remy-cazabet)
Publications LIRIS pour Rémy Cazabet (47)
- 2024 (10)
- Journals (4)
- International journals with peer review (4)
- Maxime Girard, Edwige Martin, Laurent Vallon, Van Tran Van, Camille Da Silva Carvalho, Justine Sack, Zélia Bontemps, Julie Balteneck, Florence Colin et al. (2024). "Human-aided dispersal and population bottlenecks facilitate parasitism escape in the most invasive mosquito species". PNAS Nexus, vol. 3, #5, p. 175. doi : 10.1093/pnasnexus/pgae175. HAL : hal-04606951.
- Jean-Baptiste Guimbaud, Alexandros Siskos, Amrit Kaur Sakhi, Barbara Heude, Eduard Sabidó, Eva Borràs, Hector Keun, John Wright, Jordi Julvez et al. (2024). "Machine learning-based health environmental-clinical risk scores in European children". Communications Medicine, vol. 4, #1, p. 98. doi : 10.1038/s43856-024-00513-y. HAL : hal-04602386.
- Andrea Failla, Rémy Cazabet, Giulio Rossetti & Salvatore Citraro (2024). "Describing group evolution in temporal data using multi-faceted events". Machine Learning, vol. 113, #10, pp. 7591-7615. doi : 10.1007/s10994-024-06600-4. HAL : hal-04890162.
- Pénélope Duval, Edwige Martin, Laurent Vallon, Pierre Antonelli, Maxime Girard, A Signoret, P Luis, D Abrouk, Laure Wiest et al. (2024). "Pollution gradients shape microbial communities associated with ae. albopictus larval habitats in urban community gardens". FEMS Microbiology Ecology. doi : 10.1093/femsec/fiae129. HAL : hal-04759892.
- Conferences (4)
- International conferences with peer review (3)
- Natkamon Tovanich, Célestin Coquidé & Rémy Cazabet (2024). "Decoding Decentralized Finance Transactions through Ego Network Motif Mining". The 13th International Conference on Complex Networks and their Applications, 12 décembre 2024, Istanbul (Turkey). HAL : hal-04727895.
- Célestin Coquidé, Rémy Cazabet & Natkamon Tovanich (2024). "Inside Alameda Research: A Multi-Token Network Analysis". The 13th International Conference on Complex Networks and their Applications, 12 décembre 2024, Istanbul (Turkey). HAL : hal-04727905.
- Yassir Lairgi, Ludovic Moncla, Rémy Cazabet, Khalid Benabdeslem & Pierre Cléau (2024). "iText2KG: Incremental Knowledge Graphs Construction Using Large Language Models". 25th International Conference on Web Information Systems Engineering (WISE 2024), 5 décembre 2024, Doha (Qatar). doi : 10.48550/arXiv.2409.03284. HAL : hal-04780445.
- National conferences with peer review (1)
- Yassir Lairgi, Ludovic Moncla, Rémy Cazabet, Khalid Benabdeslem & Pierre Cléau (2024). "Knowledge Graph Construction Using Large Language Models". Journée nationale sur la fouille de textes, 10 juin 2024, Lyon (France). HAL : hal-04607294.
- Patents and softwares (2)
- Yasaman Asgari, Rémy Cazabet & Pierre Borgnat (2024). "Mosaic-benchmark". HAL : hal-04452597.
- Rémy Cazabet, Jacques Fize & Giulio Rossetti (2024). "structify-net". HAL : hal-04447900.
- 2023 (8)
- Journals (2)
- International journals with peer review (2)
- Natkamon Tovanich & Rémy Cazabet (2023). "Fingerprinting Bitcoin entities using money flow representation learning". Applied Network Science, vol. 8, #1, p. 63. doi : 10.1007/s41109-023-00591-2. HAL : hal-04208864.
- Rémy Cazabet, Salvatore Citraro & Giulio Rossetti (2023). "Structify-Net: Random Graph generation with controlled size and customized structure". Peer Community Journal, vol. 3, e103. doi : 10.24072/pci.networksci.100114. HAL : hal-04424059.
- Conferences (3)
- International conferences with peer review (3)
- Rafael Ramos Tubino, Rémy Cazabet, Natkamon Tovanich & Céline Robardet (2023). "Temporal and Geographical Analysis of Real Economic Activities in the Bitcoin Blockchain". LIMBO@ECML/PKDD 2023: International workshop on LearnIng and Mining for BlOckchains, 18 septembre 2023, Turin (Italy). doi : 10.1007/978-3-031-74643-7_17. ArXiv : 2307.08616. HAL : hal-04188062.
- Rémy Cazabet, Catherine Annen, Jean-François Moyen & Roberto Weinberg (2023). "A toy model for approaching volcanic plumbing systems as complex systems". 3rd French Regional Conference on Complex Systems (FRCCS 2023), 2 juin 2023, Le Havre (France). ArXiv : 2401.02959. HAL : hal-04166088.
- Yasaman Asgari, Rémy Cazabet & Pierre Borgnat (2023). "Mosaic benchmark networks: Modular link streams for testing dynamic community detection algorithms". Complex Networks And Applications 2023, 30 novembre 2023, Menton (France). doi : 10.48550/arXiv.2310.02840. ArXiv : 2310.02840v1. HAL : hal-04236873.
- Patents and softwares (1)
- Rémy Cazabet, Souâad Boudebza & Tom Jorquera (2023). "tnetwork". HAL : hal-04067501.
- Book edition (books, chapters, seminars, congress, special numbers) (1)
- Rémy Cazabet & Giulio Rossetti (2023). "Challenges in Community Discovery on Temporal Networks". Temporal Network Theory, Springer International Publishing, pp. 185-202. doi : 10.1007/978-3-031-30399-9_10. ArXiv : 1907.11435. HAL : hal-04447833.
- Others (1)
- Rémy Cazabet, Jacques Fize, Salvatore Citraro & Giulio Rossetti (2023). "Beyond space and blocks: Generating networks with arbitrary structure". International School and Conference on Network Science 2023, 14 juillet 2023, Vienne (Austria). Poster. HAL : hal-04441398.
- 2022 (8)
- Journals (3)
- International journals with peer review (3)
- Rafael Ramos Tubino, Céline Robardet & Rémy Cazabet (2022). "Towards a better identification of Bitcoin actors by supervised learning". Data and Knowledge Engineering, vol. 142, p. 102094. doi : 10.1016/j.datak.2022.102094. HAL : hal-03879416.
- Louis Duvivier, Rémy Cazabet & Céline Robardet (2022). "Graph space: using both geometric and probabilistic structure to evaluate statistical graph models!". Journal of Complex Networks. doi : 10.1093/comnet/cnac006. HAL : hal-03879395.
- Salvatore Citraro, Letizia Milli, Rémy Cazabet & Giulio Rossetti (2022). "$$\Delta $$-Conformity: multi-scale node assortativity in feature-rich stream graphs". International Journal of Data Science and Analytics. doi : 10.1007/s41060-022-00375-4. ArXiv : 2111.15534. HAL : hal-03874703.
- Conferences (3)
- International conferences with peer review (2)
- Natkamon Tovanich & Rémy Cazabet (2022). "Pattern Analysis of Money Flow in the Bitcoin Blockchain". The 11th International Conference on Complex Networks and their Applications, 10 novembre 2022, Palermo (Italy), pp. 443-455. doi : 10.1007/978-3-031-21127-0_36. ArXiv : 2207.07315. HAL : hal-03896866.
- Natkamon Tovanich & Rémy Cazabet (2022). "Pattern Analysis of Money Flows in the Bitcoin Blockchain". NetSci 2022: International School and Conference on Network Science, 29 juillet 2022, Shanghai (China). HAL : hal-03898095.
- National conferences with peer review (1)
- Rafael Ramos Tubino, Rémy Cazabet & Céline Robardet (2022). "Vers une meilleure identification d'acteurs de Bitcoin par apprentissage supervisé". Conférence francophone sur l'Extraction et la Gestion des Connaissances (EGC 2022), 28 janvier 2022, Blois (France), pp. 171-182. HAL : hal-04193274.
- Reports (1)
- Research reports/tecnical reports (1)
- Alexandre Millot, Rémy Cazabet & Jean-François Boulicaut (2022). "Exceptional Model Mining to support Multi-objective Optimization". HAL : hal-03868373.
- Others (1)
- Pénélope Duval, E Martin, L Vallon, A Signoret, P Antonelli, P Luis, G Minard, Laure Wiest, Aurélie Fildier et al. (2022). "Interplay between social and environmental risk factors and consequences on the development of the Asian tiger mosquito in urban areas". 10. Congress of the International Symbiosis Society, 25 juillet 2022, Lyon (France). Poster. HAL : hal-03815960.
- 2021 (3)
- Conferences (3)
- International conferences with peer review (2)
- Alexandre Millot, Rémy Cazabet & Jean-François Boulicaut (2021). "Exceptional Model Mining meets Multi-objective Optimization". 2021 SIAM International Conference on Data Mining (SDM), 29 avril 2021, Alexandria ( virtual event ) (United States of America), pp. 378-386. doi : 10.1137/1.9781611976700.43. HAL : hal-03220671.
- Alessandro Chiappori & Rémy Cazabet (2021). "Quantitative Evaluation of Snapshot Graphs for the Analysis of Temporal Networks". COMPLEX NETWORKS 2021 - 10th International Conference on Complex Networks and their Applications, 2 décembre 2021, Madrid (Spain). doi : 10.1007/978-3-030-93409-5_47. HAL : hal-03560917.
- National conferences with peer review (1)
- Rémi Vaudaine, Christine Largeron & Rémy Cazabet (2021). "Comparaison de la capacité des plongements de graphes à capturer les propriétés des réseaux". Conférence Extraction et gestion des connaissances EGC 2021, Montpellier (France). HAL : hal-03471459.
- 2020 (9)
- Journals (2)
- International journals with peer review (2)
- Mohamad Kanaan, Rémy Cazabet & Hamamache Kheddouci (2020). "Temporal Pattern Mining for E-commerce Dataset". Transactions on Large-Scale Data- and Knowledge-Centered Systems. doi : 10.1007/978-3-662-62386-2_3. HAL : hal-02942472.
- Rémy Cazabet, Souâad Boudebza & Giulio Rossetti (2020). "Evaluating Community Detection Algorithms for Progressively Evolving Graphs". Journal of Complex Networks. doi : 10.1093/comnet/cnaa027. HAL : hal-03173685.
- Conferences (7)
- International conferences with peer review (6)
- Alexandre Millot, Rémy Cazabet & Jean-François Boulicaut (2020). "Optimal Subgroup Discovery in Purely Numerical Data". Pacific-Asia Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (PAKDD), 16 mai 2020, Singapore (on line) (Singapore), pp. 112-124. doi : 10.1007/978-3-030-47436-2_9. HAL : hal-02483379.
- Rémi Vaudaine, Christine Largeron & Rémy Cazabet (2020). "Comparing the preservation of network properties by graph embeddings". Eighteenth International Symposium on Intelligent Data Analysis (IDA 2020), 27 avril 2020, Bodenseeforum (Germany). doi : 10.1007/978-3-030-44584-3_41. HAL : hal-02456857.
- Alexandre Millot, Romain Mathonat, Rémy Cazabet & Jean-François Boulicaut (2020). "Actionable Subgroup Discovery and Urban Farm Optimization". International Symposium on Intelligent Data Analysis (IDA), 29 avril 2020, Konstanz (Germany), pp. 339-351. doi : 10.1007/978-3-030-44584-3_27. HAL : hal-02483314.
- Rémy Cazabet (2020). "Data Compression to Choose a Proper Dynamic Network Representation". International Conference on Complex Networks and Their Applications, Madrid (Spain), pp. 522-532. doi : 10.1007/978-3-030-65347-7_43. HAL : hal-03173720.
- Louis Duvivier, Rémy Cazabet & Céline Robardet (2020). "Edge based stochastic block model statistical inference". COMPLEX NETWORKS, 1 décembre 2020, Madrid (Spain), pp. 462-473. doi : 10.1007/978-3-030-65351-4_37. ArXiv : 2106.13571. HAL : hal-03340026.
- Fabio Mensi, Rémy Cazabet & Angelo Furno (2020). "Traffic speed prediction in the Lyon area using DCRNN". Marami 2020, Online (France). HAL : hal-04109252.
- National conferences with peer review (1)
- Alexandre Millot, Rémy Cazabet & Jean-François Boulicaut (2020). "Découverte d'un sous-groupe optimal dans des données purement numériques". Extraction et Gestion des Connaissances (EGC), 27 janvier 2020, Bruxelles (Belgium), 25-36. HAL : hal-02483329.
- 2019 (4)
- Journals (1)
- International journals with peer review (1)
- Giulio Rossetti, Letizia Milli & Rémy Cazabet (2019). "CDLIB: a python library to extract, compare and evaluate communities from complex networks". Applied Network Science, vol. 4, p. 52. doi : 10.1007/s41109-019-0165-9. HAL : hal-02197272.
- Conferences (2)
- International conferences with peer review (2)
- Souâad Boudebza, Rémy Cazabet, Omar Nouali & Faiçal Azouaou (2019). "Detecting Stable Communities in Link Streams at Multiple Temporal Scales". LEG@ECML-PKDD 2019 - Third International Workshop on Advances in Managing and Mining Large Evolving Graphs, 20 septembre 2019, Wurzburg (Germany). doi : 10.1007/978-3-030-43823-4_30. HAL : hal-03261697.
- Louis Duvivier, Céline Robardet & Rémy Cazabet (2019). "Minimum entropy stochastic block models neglect edge distribution heterogeneity". 8th International Conference on Complex Networks and Their Applications (COMPLEX NETWORKS 2019), 12 décembre 2019, Lisbonne (Portugal), pp. 545-555. doi : 10.1007/978-3-030-36687-2_45. ArXiv : 1910.07879. HAL : hal-03339803.
- Book edition (books, chapters, seminars, congress, special numbers) (1)
- Rémy Cazabet & Giulio Rossetti (2019). "Challenges in Community Discovery on Temporal Networks". Temporal Network Theory, pp. 181-197. doi : 10.1007/978-3-030-23495-9_10. HAL : hal-03173705.
- 2018 (3)
- Journals (2)
- International journals with peer review (2)
- Giulio Rossetti & Rémy Cazabet (2018). "Community Discovery in Dynamic Networks: a Survey". ACM Computing Surveys, vol. 2, #51, p. 35. doi : 10.1145/3172867. HAL : hal-01658399.
- Souâad Boudebza, Rémy Cazabet, Faiçal Azouaou & Omar Nouali (2018). "OLCPM: An Online Framework for Detecting Overlapping Communities in Dynamic Social Networks". Computer Communications. doi : 10.1016/j.comcom.2018.04.003. ArXiv : 1804.03842. HAL : hal-01761341.
- Conferences (1)
- International conferences with peer review (1)
- Aakash Sinha, Rémy Cazabet & Rémi Vaudaine (2018). "Systematic Biases in Link Prediction: comparing heuristic and graph embedding based methods". Complex networks 2018 - The 7th International Conference on Complex Networks and Their Applications, Cambridge (United Kingdom). doi : 10.1007/978-3-030-05411-3_7. ArXiv : 1811.12159. HAL : hal-01892997.
- 2017 (2)
- Conferences (2)
- International conferences with peer review (2)
- Anes Bendimerad, Rémy Cazabet, Marc Plantevit & Céline Robardet (2017). "Contextual Subgraph Discovery With Mobility Models". COMPLEX NETWORKS 2017, 29 novembre 2017, Lyon (France), pp. 477-489. HAL : hal-01625068.
- Rémy Cazabet, Rim Baccour & Matthieu Latapy (2017). "Tracking bitcoin users activity using community detection on a network of weak signals". The 6th International Conference on Complex Networks and Their Applications, 29 novembre 2017, Lyon (France). ArXiv : 1710.08158. HAL : hal-01617992.
Publications hors LIRIS
Publications hors LIRIS pour Rémy Cazabet (8)
- 2018 (1)
- Conferences (1)
- International conferences with peer review (1)
- Rémi Vaudaine, Christine Largeron & Rémy Cazabet (2018). "Network properties captured by graph embeddings". Complex Network, Cambridge (United Kingdom). HAL : hal-02016671.
- 2017 (5)
- Journals (1)
- International journals with peer review (1)
- Rémy Cazabet, Pablo Jensen & Pierre Borgnat (2017). "Tracking the Evolution of Temporal Patterns of Usage in Bicycle-Sharing Systems Using Nonnegative Matrix Factorization on Multiple Sliding Windows". International Journal of Urban Sciences. doi : 10.1080/12265934.2017.1336468. HAL : hal-01667427.
- Conferences (3)
- International conferences with peer review (3)
- Rémy Cazabet, Pierre Borgnat & Pablo Jensen (2017). "Using Degree Constrained Gravity Null-Models to understand the structure of journeys' networks in Bicycle Sharing Systems". ESANN 2017 - European Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks, Computational Intelligence and Machine Learning, Bruges (Belgium). HAL : hal-01500352.
- Jean Creusefond & Rémy Cazabet (2017). "Characterising Inter and Intra-Community Interactions in Link Streams Using Temporal Motifs". CompleNet 2017 - 8th Conference on Complex Networks, Dubrovnik (Croatia), pp. 214-92. doi : 10.1007/978-3-319-54241-6_7. HAL : hal-01500356.
- Rémy Cazabet, Pierre Borgnat & Pablo Jensen (2017). "Enhancing Space-Aware Community Detection Using Degree Constrained Spatial Null Model". CompleNet 2017 - 8th Conference on Complex Networks, Dubrovnik (Croatia), pp. 26118-55. doi : 10.1007/978-3-319-54241-6_4. HAL : hal-01500354.
- Book edition (books, chapters, seminars, congress, special numbers) (1)
- Rémy Cazabet, Giulio Rossetti & Frédéric Amblard (2017). "Dynamic Community Detection". Encyclopedia of Social Network Analysis and Mining. doi : 10.1007/978-1-4614-7163-9_383-1. HAL : hal-01665098.
- 2015 (1)
- Book edition (books, chapters, seminars, congress, special numbers) (1)
- Marie-Hélène Pillot, Rémy Cazabet & Frédéric Amblard (2015). "Les ongulés". Analyse des réseaux sociaux appliquée à l'éthologie et l'écologie, Sueur, Cédric, Editions Matériologiques, pp. 233-260. HAL : hal-03209318.
- 2013 (1)
- HDR, thesis (1)
- Thesis (1)
- Rémy Cazabet (2013). "Détection de communautés dynamiques dans des réseaux temporels". HAL : tel-00874017.