Robert Laurini

Former LIRIS member since: 2016-09-30
Quality | Associated professor |
Team(s) | BD |
Institution | Institut National des Sciences Appliquées de Lyon |
Personal page | |
Publications (IdHAL : robert-laurini)
Publications LIRIS pour Robert Laurini (111)
- 2016 (2)
- Conferences (2)
- International conferences with peer review (2)
- Robert Laurini, Sylvie Servigne & Franck Favetta (2016). "An Introduction to Geographic Rule Semantics". DMS2016 - 22nd International Conference on Distributed Multimedia Systems, 26 novembre 2016, Salerne (Italy), pp. 91-97. doi : 10.18293/DMS2016-015. HAL : hal-01381785.
- Léonor Ferrer Catala, Franck Favetta, Claire Cunty, Bilal Berjawi, Fabien Duchateau, Maryvonne Miquel & Robert Laurini (2016). "Visualizing Integration Uncertainty Enhances User's Choice in Multi-Providers Integrated Maps". International Working Conference on Advanced Visual Interfaces (AVI 2016), 10 juin 2016, Bari (Italy), pp. 298-299. doi : 10.1145/2909132.2926075. HAL : hal-01258627.
- 2015 (4)
- Journals (1)
- International journals with peer review (1)
- Brahim Lejdel, Okba Kazar & Robert Laurini (2015). "Mathematical framework for topological relationships between ribbons and regions". Journal of Visual Languages and Computing, vol. 26, pp. 66-81. doi : 10.1016/j.jvlc.2014.11.004. HAL : hal-01499272.
- Conferences (2)
- International conferences with peer review (2)
- Bilal Berjawi, Fabien Duchateau, Franck Favetta, Maryvonne Miquel & Robert Laurini (2015). "PABench: Designing a Taxonomy and Implementing a Benchmark for Spatial Entity Matching". The Seventh International Conference on Advanced Geographic Information Systems, Applications, and Services, 27 février 2015, Lisbon (Portugal), pp. 7-16. HAL : hal-01344652.
- Robert Laurini (2015). "Primi passi per la modellazione delle regole geospaziali". Atti del Convegno ASITA (Associazioni Scientifiche per le Informazioni Territoriali e Ambientali), Lecco, Italia, 29-30/9-1/10/2015, ISBN 978-88-041232-2-7., 1 octobre 2015, Lecco (Italy), pp. 501-508. HAL : hal-01284318.
- Book edition (books, chapters, seminars, congress, special numbers) (1)
- Robert Laurini (2015). "Fundamentals of Geographic Engineering for Territorial Intelligence". Knowlege Engineering Principles, Methods and Applications, Nova Science Publishing, pp. 1-56. HAL : hal-01286175.
- 2014 (3)
- Journals (2)
- International journals with peer review (2)
- Robert Laurini (2014). "A conceptualframework for geographic knowledge engineering". Journal of Visual Languages and Computing, vol. 25, pp. 2-19. doi : 10.1016/j.jvlc.2013.10.004. HAL : hal-01270678.
- Bilal Berjawi, Elisabeth Chesneau, Geoffrey Seccia, Fabien Duchateau, Franck Favetta, Claire Cunty, Maryvonne Miquel & Robert Laurini (2014). "Uncertainty visualization of multi-providers cartographic integration". Journal of Visual Languages and Computing, vol. 25, pp. 995-1002. doi : 10.1016/j.jvlc.2014.10.033. HAL : hal-01313194.
- Conferences (1)
- International conferences with peer review (1)
- Bilal Berjawi, Elisabeth Chesneau, Fabien Duchateau, Franck Favetta, Claire Cunty, Maryvonne Miquel & Robert Laurini (2014). "Representing Uncertainty in Visual Integration". International Conference on Distributed Multimedia Systems (DMS'2014), Workshop on Visual Languages and Computing (VLC’2014), 27 août 2014, Wyndham Pittsburgh University Center, Pittsburgh, USA (United States of America), pp. 365-371. HAL : hal-01301080.
- 2013 (2)
- Conferences (2)
- International conferences with peer review (2)
- Ibtissem Cherni, Seifallah Ouertani, Sami Faiz, Sylvie Servigne & Robert Laurini (2013). "Chorems: A New Tool For Territorial Intelligence". 29TH Urban Data Mangement Systems, 31 mai 2013, London (United Kingdom), pp. 67-76. HAL : hal-01339217.
- Rosa Marina Donolo, Franck Favetta & Robert Laurini (2013). "A Test to Check the Efficiency of Visual Representation of Urban Data". 29th Urban Data Management Symposium, 9 mai 2013, University College London, London (United Kingdom), pp. 55-65. doi : 10.1201/b14914-9. HAL : hal-01339176.
- 2012 (3)
- Conferences (3)
- International conferences with peer review (3)
- Robert Laurini (2012). "Importance of spatial relationships for geographic ontologies". Seventh International Conference on Informatics and Urban and Regional Planning INPUT 2012, 10 mai 2012, Cagliari (Italy), pp. 122-134. HAL : hal-01353047.
- Robert Laurini (2012). "Primi elementi di un quadro conoscitivo per la modellazione delle conoscenze geografiche". RIPENSARE LA MONTAGNA: saperi locali nel web 3.0Risultati del progetto transfrontaliero SUSPLAN sulla pianificazione sostenibile, 27 avril 2012, Belluno (Italy), pp. 125-134. HAL : hal-01353048.
- Mehdi Haddad, Mohand-Said Hacid & Robert Laurini (2012). "Data integration in presence of authorization policies". IEEE International Conference on Trust, Security and Privacy in Computing and Communications (TrustCom), 25 juin 2012, Liverpool (United Kingdom), pp. 92-99. doi : 10.1109/TrustCom.2012.116. HAL : hal-01352994.
- 2011 (8)
- Journals (3)
- International journals with peer review (1)
- Davide De Chiara, Vincenzo Del Fatto, Robert Laurini, Monica Sebillo & Giuliana Vitiello (2011). "A chorem-based approach for visually analyzing spatial data". Journal of Visual Languages and Computing, vol. 22, pp. 173-193. doi : 10.1016/j.jvlc.2011.02.001. HAL : hal-01354484.
- National journals with peer review (2)
- Roula Karam, Robert Laurini, Rima Kilany Chamoun & Franck Favetta (2011). "Intégration sémantique et cartographique des services localisés multifournisseurs". Comite Francais de la Cartographie, p. 10. HAL : hal-01354583.
- Robert Laurini & Sylvie Servigne (2011). "Potentialité du Géoweb:Internet sémantique géographique". Espace Géographique, vol. Tome 40, pp. 109-116. HAL : hal-01354481.
- Conferences (5)
- International conferences with peer review (3)
- Franck Favetta & Robert Laurini (2011). "A Multimedia Tagging System to Index, Visualize and Retrieve Landscape Architecture Documents". Distributed Multimedia Systems, 18 août 2011, Florence (Italy), p. 6. HAL : hal-01354581.
- Roula Karam, Rima Kilany Chamoun, Franck Favetta & Robert Laurini (2011). "Location and Cartographic Integration for Multi-Providers Location Based Services". ICC 2011, 25th International Cartographic Conference, 3 juillet 2011, Palais des Congres, Paris (France), pp. 365-383. doi : 10.1007/978-3-642-19143-5_21. HAL : hal-01354379.
- Florian Matthes, Christian Neubert, Christopher Schultz, Christian Lescher, Joséluis Contreras, Robert Laurini, Béatrice Rumpler, D. Sol & Kai Warendorf (2011). "Teaching Global Software Engineering and International Project Management - Experiences and Lessons Learned from Four Academic Projects.". International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU), 6 mai 2011, Noordwijkerhout (Netherlands), pp. 5-15. doi : 10.5220/0003272600050015. HAL : hal-01354483.
- National conferences with peer review (2)
- Marius Massala, Martin Paegelow, Robert Laurini & Franck Favetta (2011). "Méthodologie de mise en oeuvre d'un répertoire de toponymes et d'une ontologie forestière pour un accès aux ressources environnementales : application aux forêts du bassin congolais". MASHS 2011, 24 juin 2011, Marseille (France), 9 p. HAL : halshs-01065769.
- Robert Laurini & Sylvie Servigne (2011). "Leçons tirées d’une expérience de chorémisation automatique". SAGEO 2011 International Conference on Spatial Analysis and GEOmatics, Conférence internationale de Géomatique et d'Analyse Spatiale, 3 juillet 2011, Paris (France), pp. 1-15. HAL : hal-01354482.
- 2010 (9)
- Journals (1)
- National journals with peer review (1)
- Ibtissem Cherni, Karla Lopez, Robert Laurini & Sami Faiz (2010). "Un langage et un générateur pour représenter les résumés visuels de bases de données géographiques". Revue des Nouvelles Technologies de l'Information, vol. E-19, pp. 691-695. HAL : hal-01381571.
- Conferences (8)
- International conferences with peer review (6)
- Roula Karam, Franck Favetta, Robert Laurini & Rima Kilany Chamoun (2010). "Uncertain GeoInformation Representation and Reasoning: a Use case in LBS Integration". FLEXDBIST,21st International Conference on Database and Expert Systems Applications (DEXA 2010), 30 août 2010, Bilbao (Spain), p. 5. HAL : hal-01381629.
- Rosa Marina Donolo, Franck Favetta & Robert Laurini (2010). "Evaluer, améliorer la visualisation des données spatiales, le cas des données urbaines ; Construction d’un test psycho-cognitif sur la représentation visuelle des indicateurs de flux". International Conference on Spatial Analysis and GEOmatics (SAGEO'2010), 17 novembre 2010, Toulouse (France), inconnue. HAL : hal-01381624.
- Roula Karam, Franck Favetta, Robert Laurini & Rima Kilany Chamoun (2010). "Cartographic Integration on mobile devices from several providers' LBS by means of map symbol ontology". WebMGS 2010: Pervasive Web Mapping, Geo-processing and Services, 26 août 2010, Como, Italy (Italy), p. 6. HAL : hal-01381630.
- Robert Laurini (2010). "Web Semantico Geografico: GeoWeb". INPUT (Informatica per la Pianificazione Urbana e Territoriale), 13 septembre 2010, POTENZA (Italy), inconnue. HAL : hal-01381573.
- Roula Karam, Franck Favetta, Robert Laurini & Rima Chamoun (2010). "Integration of Similar Location Based Services Proposed by Several Providers". NDT 2010: Network and Digital Technologies, 7 juillet 2010, Prague (Czech Republic), pp. 136-144. doi : 10.1007/978-3-642-14306-9_14. HAL : hal-01381528.
- Roula Karam, Rima Kilany Chamoun, Franck Favetta & Robert Laurini (2010). "Integrating many legends through ontology for cartographic symbols". SAGEO2010, 17 novembre 2010, Toulouse (France), pp. 1-13. HAL : hal-01381592.
- National conferences with peer review (2)
- Rosa Marina Donolo, Franck Favetta & Robert Laurini (2010). "Migliorare la visualizzazione dei dati urbani: impostazione di un test percettivo-cognitivo sulla rappresentazione visuali degli indicatori spaziali". 6a Conferenza Nazionale INPUT 2010, Informatica e Pianificazione Urbana e Territoriale - Volume 2,, 13 septembre 2010, Potenza (Italy), pp. 221-232. HAL : hal-01381574.
- Rosa Marina Donolo, Franck Favetta & Robert Laurini (2010). "Un test per verificare l'efficacia della rappresentazione visuale degli indicatori spaziali in ambito urbano". 14th National Conference ASITA 2010, 9 novembre 2010, BrixiaExpo, Brescia (Italy), inconnue. HAL : hal-01381623.
- 2009 (10)
- Journals (2)
- International journals with peer review (2)
- Monica Sebillo, Luca Paolino, Genny Tortora, Giuliana Vitiello & Robert Laurini (2009). "Phenomena - A Visual Environment for Querying Heterogenous Spatial Data". Journal of Visual Languages and Computing, vol. Issue 6, pp. 420-436. doi : 10.1016/j.jvlc.2009.06.002. HAL : hal-01437713.
- Robert Laurini, Monica Sebillo, Giuliana Vitiello, David Sol-Martinez & Françoise Milleret-Raffort (2009). "Computer-generated Visual Summaries of Spatial Databases: Chorems or not Chorems?". Surveys and Perspectives Integrating Environment and Society - S.A.P.I.EN.S, vol. 2, p. 9. HAL : hal-01437724.
- Conferences (6)
- International conferences with peer review (5)
- Davide De Chiara, Vincenzo Del Fatto, Robert Laurini, Monica Sebillo & Giuliana Vitiello (2009). "Visual Analysis of Spatial Data through Maps of Chorems". 15th International Conference on Distributed Multimedia Systems, 10 septembre 2009, San Francisco (United States of America), pp. 295-300. HAL : hal-01437788.
- Taher Ahmed, Maryvonne Miquel & Robert Laurini (2009). "A Multidimensional Model For Continuous Data Warehouse". Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Information Technology,, 25 septembre 2009, Berlin (Germany), p. 0. HAL : hal-01502284.
- Robert Laurini, Françoise Milleret-Raffort, Monica Sebillo, Genny Tortora & Giuliana Vitiello (2009). "Chorem Maps: towards a Legendless Cartography?". 15th International Conference on Distributed Management System, 10 septembre 2009, Redwood City, San Francisco Bay (United States of America), pp. 341-346. HAL : hal-01437777.
- Gobe Hobona, Carmelo Attardo, Robert Laurini, Mike Jackson, Maria Pla, Stefania De Zorzi, Anette Breu, Catherine Roussey & Alina Kmiecik (2009). "Considerations for Harmonising Cross-Border Geospatial Datasets". AGILE 2009 Pre-Conference Workshop: Challenges in Geospatial Data Harmonisation, 2 juin 2009, Hannover (Germany), p. 3. HAL : hal-01437681.
- Karla Lopez, Robert Laurini, Vincenzo Del Fatto, David Sol-Martinez, Rosalva Loreto, Monica Sebillo & Giuliana Vitiello (2009). "Visualizing Geographical Analysis Results From Spatial Databases Based on the Chorems". International Conference on Modeling, Simulation and Visualization Methods (MSV'09), 13 juillet 2009, Las Vegas (United States of America), pp. 29-35. HAL : hal-01437715.
- National conferences with peer review (1)
- Ibtissem Cherni, Karla Lopez, Robert Laurini & Sami Faiz (2009). "ChorML : résumés visuels de bases de données géographiques". Conférence internationale de Géomatique et Analyse Spatiale (SAGEO) 2009, 25 novembre 2009, Paris (France), p. 12. HAL : hal-01437831.
- Book edition (books, chapters, seminars, congress, special numbers) (2)
- Robert Laurini (2009). "Visual Interfaces for Geographic Data". Encyclopedia of Database Systems, Springer, pp. 3382-3387. doi : 10.1007/978-0-387-39940-9_813. HAL : hal-01437776.
- Robert Laurini (2009). "Towards Visual Summaries of Geographic Databases Based on Chorems". Research Trends in Geographic Information Science, Gerhard Navratil, Springer, pp. 219-234. doi : 10.1007/978-3-540-88244-2_15. HAL : hal-01437714.
- 2008 (10)
- Journals (5)
- International journals with peer review (1)
- Vincenzo Del Fatto, Robert Laurini, Karla Lopez, Monica Sebillo & Giuliana Vitiello (2008). "A Chorem-based Approach for Visually Synthesizing Complex Phenomena". Information Visualization, vol. 2008, pp. 253-264. doi : 10.1057/palgrave.ivs.9500186. HAL : hal-01515574.
- National journals with peer review (4)
- Sandro Bimonte, Anne Tchounikine, Maryvonne Miquel & Robert Laurini (2008). "Introduction de l'analyse spatiale et de l'information géographique dans l'analyse multidimensionnelle". Revue des Nouvelles Technologies de l'Information, pp. 127-150. HAL : hal-01502253.
- Robert Laurini & Sylvie Servigne (2008). "Panorama des potentialités SIG en 3 dimensions : vers des modèles virtuels 3D de villes". Revue XYZ, pp. 18-22. HAL : hal-01500369.
- Eliseo Clementini & Robert Laurini (2008). "Un cadre conceptuel pour modéliser les relations spatiales". Revue des Nouvelles Technologies de l'Information, vol. RNTI-E-14, pp. 1-17. HAL : hal-01500446.
- Benjamino Murgante & Robert Laurini (2008). "Ontologie, informazione geografica e pianificazione territoriale". MondoGIS, pp. 27-31. HAL : hal-01500425.
- Conferences (4)
- International conferences with peer review (3)
- F. -L. Wendt, Stéphane Bres, Bruno Tellez & Robert Laurini (2008). "Markerless Outdoor Localisation Based on SIFT Descriptors for Mobile Applications". ICISP 2008, 1 juillet 2008, Cherbourg-Octeville (France), pp. 439-446. doi : 10.1007/978-3-540-69905-7_50. HAL : hal-01589362.
- Robert Laurini, Silvia Gordillo, Françoise Milleret-Raffort, Sylvie Servigne, Gustavo Rossi, Nan Wang & Andres Fortier (2008). "A Primer of Picture-Aided Navigation in Mobile Systems". SDH08 : 13th International Conference on Developments in Spatial Data Handling, 25 juin 2008, Montpellier (France), pp. 595-611. HAL : hal-01501892.
- Silvia Gordillo, Robert Laurini, Catty Mostaccio, Françoise Milleret-Raffort & Sylvie Servigne (2008). "Towards multi-provider LBS visual portals". 14th International Conference on Distributed Multimedia Systems, 6 septembre 2008, Boston (United States of America), pp. 208-213. HAL : hal-01501282.
- National conferences with peer review (1)
- Robert Laurini (2008). "Visual Summaries of Geographic Databases". The 14th International Conf. on Distributed Multimedia Systems, 6 septembre 2008, Boston (United States of America). HAL : hal-01614277.
- Book edition (books, chapters, seminars, congress, special numbers) (1)
- Benjamino Murgante & Robert Laurini (2008). "Interoperabilità semantica e geometrica nelle basi di dati geografiche nella pianificazione urbana". L'informazione geografica a supporto della pianificazione territoriale, Beniamino Murgante, Franco Angeli, pp. 229-244. HAL : hal-01614519.
- 2007 (15)
- Journals (2)
- International journals with peer review (2)
- Robert Laurini & Sylvie Servigne (2007). "Visual Access to City's websites: A Challenge for PDA's GUI". Journal of Visual Languages and Computing, vol. 18, pp. 339-355. HAL : hal-01566856.
- Jacques Teller, Abdelkader Keita, Catherine Roussey & Robert Laurini (2007). "Urban Ontologies for an improved communication in urban civil engineering projects". Cybergeo : Revue européenne de géographie / European journal of geography. doi : 10.4000/cybergeo.8322. HAL : hal-01591639.
- Conferences (10)
- International conferences with peer review (7)
- Robert Laurini, Karla Lopez & Vincenzo Del Fatto (2007). "First Findings in Chorem Discovery and Layout". 2nd International Symposium on Generalization of Information, 3 octobre 2007, Geneva (Switzerland), pp. 85-104. HAL : hal-01591612.
- Vincenzo Del Fatto, Robert Laurini, Karla Lopez, Monica Sebillo, Genny Tortora, Maurizio Tucci & Giuliana Vitiello (2007). "Chorem Editing - Visual Summary of Spatial Database Content". 13th International Conference on Distributed Multimedia Systems, Workshop on Visual Languages and Computing, VLC2007, 8 septembre 2007, San Francisco (United States of America), pp. 256-259. HAL : hal-01591630.
- Adil El Bouziri, Azzedine Boulmakoul & Robert Laurini (2007). "Mobile Object and Real Time Information System Modeling for Urban Environment". 26th Urban and Regional Data Management", UDMS 2007, 12 octobre 2007, Stuttgart (Germany), pp. 403-413. HAL : hal-01591634.
- Vincenzo Del Fatto, Robert Laurini, Karla Lopez, Rosalva Loreto, Françoise Milleret-Raffort, Monica Sebillo, David Sol-Martinez & Giuliana Vitiello (2007). "Potentialities of Chorems as Visual Summaries of Geographic Databases Contents". 9th International Conference on Advances in Visual Information Systems, VISUAL 2007, 29 juin 2007, Shanghai (China), pp. 537-548. doi : 10.1007/978-3-540-76414-4_52. HAL : hal-01591605.
- Claudia Gutierrez Rodriguez, Sylvie Servigne & Robert Laurini (2007). "Towards Real Time Metadata for Network-Based Geographic Databases". ISSDQ2007, 5th International Symposium of Spatial Data Quality, 13 juin 2007, Enschede (Netherlands), pp. 1-8. HAL : hal-01566853.
- Cecilia Challiol, A Munoz, Gustavo Rossi, Silvia Gordillo, Andres Fortier & Robert Laurini (2007). "Browsing Semantics in Context-Aware Mobile Hypermedia". 3rd International Workshop on Context-Aware Mobile Services (CAMS 07), 30 novembre 2007, Vilam (India), pp. 1-10. HAL : hal-01502251.
- Said El Garouani, Omar El Beqqali, Robert Laurini & M. El Mohaijr (2007). "Cache invalidation method for prefetching in mobile environment". International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies International Symposium, ICTIS’07, 5 avril 2007, Fes (Morocco). HAL : hal-01614230.
- National conferences with peer review (3)
- Sandro Bimonte, Anne Tchounikine, Maryvonne Miquel & Robert Laurini (2007). "Vers l'intégration de l'analyse spatiale et multidimensionnelle". Colloque International de GEOmatique et d'Analyse Spatiale (SAGEO), 18 juin 2007, Clermont-Ferrand (France), pp. 1-12. HAL : hal-01502261.
- Robert Laurini (2007). "Introducción a los Sistemas de Información Pervasivos". VII Simposium Internacional en Ciencias, 27 avril 2007, Chetumal (Mexico). HAL : hal-01615349.
- Robert Laurini (2007). "New Perspectives in GIS Databases". Seminar given at the University of Houston, Houston (United States of America). HAL : hal-01614909.
- Book edition (books, chapters, seminars, congress, special numbers) (3)
- Robert Laurini (2007). "Website Portals in Local Authorities". Encyclopaedia of Portal Technology and Applications, Arthur Tatnall, Idea Group Inc., pp. 1169-1176. doi : 10.4018/978-1-59140-989-2.ch191. HAL : hal-01591592.
- Robert Laurini (2007). "Visual Metaphors for Designing Portals and Site Maps". Encyclopaedia of Portal Technology and Applications, Arthur Tatnall, Idea Group Inc, pp. 1091-1103. doi : 10.4018/978-1-59140-989-2.ch179. HAL : hal-01591596.
- G. Qiu, C. Leung, X. -Y. Xue & Robert Laurini (2007). "Advances in Visual Information Systems". Springer. doi : 10.1007/978-3-540-76414-4. HAL : hal-01591647.
- 2006 (12)
- Conferences (11)
- International conferences with peer review (9)
- Cecilia Challiol, Silvia Gordillo, Gustavo Rossi & Robert Laurini (2006). "Designing Pervasive Services for Physical Hypermedia". International Conference on Pervasive Services, ICPS'06, 29 juin 2006, Lyon (France), pp. 265-268. doi : 10.1109/PERSER.2006.1652238. HAL : hal-01591520.
- Robert Laurini (2006). "Visual Access to City's Websites". International Workshop on Visual Languages and Computing, VLC2006, 1 septembre 2006, Grand Canyon (United States of America), pp. 205-208. HAL : hal-01591502.
- Franck Favetta & Robert Laurini (2006). "Visualization and Exploration of Landscape Architecture Project Information". International Workshop on Visual Languages and Computing, VLC2006, 1 septembre 2006, Flagstaff (United States of America), pp. 153-156. HAL : hal-01591059.
- Franck Favetta & Robert Laurini (2006). "Towards an Efficient Integration, Structure and Exploration of Landscape Architecture Project Information". International Conference on Multimedia & Expo, ICME'2006, 12 juillet 2006, Toronto (Canada), pp. 397-400. doi : 10.1109/ICME.2006.262520. HAL : hal-01591057.
- Robert Laurini (2006). "Pre-consensus Ontologies and Urban Databases". Towntology workshop, 7 novembre 2006, Geneva (Switzerland), pp. 27-36. HAL : hal-01502738.
- Malek Ben Youssef, Ahmed Lbath & Robert Laurini (2006). "From Design of Real Time Geomatic Software to Mobile Urban Applications". 25th Urban Data Management Symposium, 17 mai 2006, Aalborg (Denmark). HAL : hal-01503795.
- Robert Laurini, Françoise Milleret-Raffort & Karla Lopez (2006). "A Primer of Geographic Databases Based on Chorems". OTM Confederated International Conferences "On the Move to Meaningful Internet Systems", 3 novembre 2006, Montpellier (France), pp. 1693-1702. doi : 10.1007/11915072_75. HAL : hal-01591530.
- K. Zerioh & Robert Laurini (2006). "Prototyping a Prefetching Scheme for Location-Dependent Systems". International Conference on Sensor Networks, Ubiquitous, and Trustworthy Computing, SUTC'06, 7 juin 2006, Taichung (Taiwan, Republic of China), pp. 226-233. HAL : hal-01591578.
- Luca Paolino, Monica Sebillo, Giuliana Vitiello, Genny Tortora & Robert Laurini (2006). "An Extension of the OpenGIS Specification for Managing Heterogeneous Spatial Data". International Conference On Signal-Image Technology & Internet–Based Systems, Sitis'2006, 21 décembre 2006, Hammamet (Tunisia). HAL : hal-01591541.
- National conferences with peer review (2)
- Abdelkader Keita, Catherine Roussey & Robert Laurini (2006). "Un outil d'aide à la construction d'ontologies pré-consensuelles : le projet Towntology". XXIVème Congrès INFORSID, 4 juin 2006, Hammamet (Tunisia), pp. 911-926. HAL : hal-01591035.
- Robert Laurini (2006). "SIG pour l'élaboration conjointe des plans d'urbanisme : nouvelles exigences en matière de données urbaines". Entretiens Jacques Cartier "Développement durable et systèmes d'information environnementales", 6 décembre 2006, Lyon (France). HAL : hal-01591558.
- Book edition (books, chapters, seminars, congress, special numbers) (1)
- Stéphane Bres & Robert Laurini (2006). "Visual Information and Information Systems". Springer. doi : 10.1007/11590064. HAL : hal-01591042.
- 2005 (8)
- Journals (1)
- National journals with peer review (1)
- Robert Laurini (2005). "Systèmes d'information pour la participation des citoyens aux décisions relatives à l'aménagement du territoire". Techniques, Territoires et Société (TTS), pp. 209-220. HAL : hal-01591020.
- Conferences (7)
- International conferences with peer review (5)
- Silvia Gordillo, Gustavo Rossi, Robert Laurini & Daniel Schwabe (2005). "Decoupling Geographic from Conceptual Information in Physical Hypermedia Models". 16th International Workshop on Database and Expert Systems Applications, DEXA'05, 26 août 2005, Copenhagen (Denmark), pp. 443-447. doi : 10.1109/DEXA.2005.71. HAL : hal-01591023.
- Ahmed Arara & Robert Laurini (2005). "Formal Contextual Ontologies for Intelligent Information Systems". 3rd World Enformatika Conference, WEC'05, 29 avril 2005, Istanbul (Turkey). HAL : hal-01591016.
- Guillaume Noël, Sylvie Servigne & Robert Laurini (2005). "Spatial and temporal information structuring for natural risk monitoring". GIS Planet'2005. II International Conference and Exhibition on Geographic Information, 30 mai 2005, Lisbonne (Portugal), pp. 1-10. HAL : hal-01566824.
- Robert Laurini, Sylvie Servigne & Guillaume Noël (2005). "Soft real-time GIS for disaster monitoring". Gi4DM. International Symposium on Geo-information for Disaster Management., 21 mars 2005, Delft (Netherlands), pp. 465-480. doi : 10.1007/b139115. HAL : hal-01566813.
- Taher Ahmed, Maryvonne Miquel & Robert Laurini (2005). "Towards continuous multidimensional structures". 13th Annual Conference GIS Research UK, Glasgow, UK, April 6-8, 6 avril 2005, Glasgow (United Kingdom), p. 0. HAL : hal-01502286.
- National conferences with peer review (2)
- Jacques Teller, Abdelkader Keita, Catherine Roussey & Robert Laurini (2005). "Urban Ontologies for an improved communication in urban civil engineering projects". Colloque International de Géomatique et d'Analyse Spatiale, Recherches & Développements (SAGEO 2005), 23 juin 2005, Avignon (France), pp. 1-12. HAL : hal-01515517.
- Anne Tchounikine, Maryvonne Miquel, Robert Laurini, Taher Ahmed, Sandro Bimonte & Virginie Baillot (2005). "Panorama de travaux autour de l'intégration de données spatio-temporelles dans les hypercubes". 1ère journée francophone sur les Entrepôts de Données et l'Analyse en ligne (EDA 2005), 10 juin 2005, Lyon (France), pp. 21-33. HAL : hal-01531215.
- 2004 (15)
- Journals (1)
- International journals with peer review (1)
- Catherine Roussey, Robert Laurini, Caroline Beaulieu, Yohann Tardy & Monique Zimmerman (2004). "Le projet Towntology : un retour d'expérience pour la construction d'une ontologie urbaine". Revue Internationale de Géomatique, vol. 14, pp. 217-237. doi : 10.3166/rig.14.217-237. HAL : hal-01590997.
- Conferences (12)
- International conferences with peer review (11)
- Manuel Pech-Palacio, Anne Tchounikine, Robert Laurini, J. Gonzalez & D. Sol (2004). "Graph-based Representation for Spatial Data Minig : a Proposal". 7èmes Journées CASSINI0, 2-4 juin 2004, 2 juin 2004, Grenoble (France), pp. 53-58. HAL : hal-01567667.
- Abdelkader Keita, Robert Laurini, Catherine Roussey & Monique Zimmerman (2004). "Towards an ontology for urban planning: the TOWNTOLOGY project". 24th Urban Data Management Symposium, UDMS'2004, 29 octobre 2004, Venice (Italy), pp. 12-12. HAL : hal-01590984.
- Guillaume Noël, Sylvie Servigne & Robert Laurini (2004). "Real-Time Spatiotemporal Data Indexing Structure". AGILE 7th Conference on Geographic Information Science, 29 juin 2004, Heraklion (Greece), pp. 261-268. HAL : hal-01566776.
- Guillaume Noël, Sylvie Servigne & Robert Laurini (2004). "The Po-Tree : a soft Realt-Time Spatiotemporal Data Indexing Structure". SDH04, 11th International Symposium on Spatial Data Handling, 23 août 2004, Leicester (United Kingdom), pp. 259-270. HAL : hal-01566807.
- Robert Laurini, Luca Paolino, Monica Sebillo, Genny Tortora & Giuliana Vitiello (2004). "Dealing with geographic continuous fields: the way to a visual GIS environment". Working conference on Advanced visual interfaces, AVI 2004, 28 mai 2004, Gallipoli (Italy), pp. 336-343. doi : 10.1145/989863.989920. HAL : hal-01590942.
- Taher Ahmed, Maryvonne Miquel & Robert Laurini (2004). "Continuous Multidimensional Structures for Continous Phenomena Analysis". International Conference on Sciences of Electronic Technologies of Information and Telecommunications, March 15-20,, 15 mars 2004, tunis (Tunisia), p. 0. HAL : hal-01502305.
- G Rossi, Silvia Gordillo & Robert Laurini (2004). "Génération de services dépendant du contexte pour des applications mobiles". Premières Journées Francophones, Mobilité et Ubiquité, 3 juin 2004, Nice (France), pp. 44-47. doi : 10.1145/1050873.1050886. HAL : hal-01590897.
- K. Zerioh, Omar El-Beqqali & Robert Laurini (2004). "Spatial Hoarding : A Hoarding Strategy for Location-Dependent Systems". 11th International Symposium on Spatial Data Handling, 25 août 2004, Leicester (United Kingdom), pp. 217-300. doi : 10.1007/3-540-26772-7_17. HAL : hal-01590908.
- Ahmed Arara & Robert Laurini (2004). "Towards a formalization of Urban Planning Ontologies with Multiple Perspectives". 12th GISRUK Annual Conference, 30 avril 2004, Norwich (United Kingdom), pp. 168-174. HAL : hal-01590517.
- Robert Laurini, Luca Paolino, Monica Sebillo, Genny Tortora & Giuliana Vitiello (2004). "A spatial SQL extension for continous field querying". 28th International Computer Software and Applications Conference, COMPSAC 2004, 30 septembre 2004, Hong Kong (China), pp. 78-81. doi : 10.1109/CMPSAC.2004.1342681. HAL : hal-01590977.
- Taher Ahmed, Maryvonne Miquel & Robert Laurini (2004). "Continuous Data Warehouse: Concepts, Challenges and Potentials". In Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Geoinformatics, Geospatial Information Research: Bridging the Pacific and Atlantic, 7-9 June 2004., 7 juin 2004, Gävle (Sweden), p. 0. HAL : hal-01502301.
- National conferences with peer review (1)
- Robert Laurini (2004). "Interoperabilità semantica dei dati territoriali". 8a Conferenza Nazionale ASITA, 17 décembre 2004, Rome (Italy), pp. 51-72. HAL : hal-01590989.
- Book edition (books, chapters, seminars, congress, special numbers) (2)
- Silvia Gordillo, Javier Bazzocco, Gustavo Rossi & Robert Laurini (2004). "Engineering Location-Based Services in the Web". Web Engineering, Principles and Techniques, Woojong Suh, IDEA Group Publishing, pp. 114-130. doi : 10.4018/978-1-59140-432-3.ch005. HAL : hal-01591049.
- Robert Laurini & Jean-Marc Pierson (2004). "Systèmes d'information pervasifs". Hermès. HAL : hal-01493757.
- 2003 (10)
- Conferences (8)
- International conferences with peer review (8)
- Alain Becam, Maryvonne Miquel & Robert Laurini (2003). "Managing the interconnection and the distribution of urban models with XML and distributed objects". IRMA International Conference May 18-21, 2003, 18 mai 2003, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (United States of America), p. 0. HAL : hal-01502721.
- Robert Laurini, L Paolino, Monica Sebillo, Genny Tortora & Giuliana Vitiello (2003). "Phenomena - A Visual Query Language for Continuous Fields". 11th ACM international symposium on Advances in geographic information systems, GIS '03, 8 novembre 2003, New Orleans (United States of America), pp. 147-153. doi : 10.1145/956676.956696. HAL : hal-01588212.
- H. Mouncif, Azzedine Boulmakoul & Robert Laurini (2003). "Multimodal Transportation Networks : Object Modeling and the K-Multimodal Shortest Path". International Conference On Information Systems and Engineering, ISE/SCS 2003, 25 juillet 2003, Montreal (Canada). HAL : hal-01590511.
- M. Rida, Azzedine Boulmakoul & Robert Laurini (2003). "Calibration and Validation of Container Terminal Simulation". 3rd International Symposium on Signal Processing and Information Technology, ISSPIT 2003, 17 décembre 2003, Darmstag (Germany). doi : 10.1109/ISSPIT.2003.1341235. HAL : hal-01590498.
- G Rossi, Javier Bazzocco, Silvia Gordillo & Robert Laurini (2003). "Designing Evolvable Location Models for Ubiquitous Applications". 9th International Conference on Object-Oriented Information Systems, OOIS'03, 5 septembre 2003, Genève (Switzerland), pp. 289-293. doi : 10.1007/978-3-540-45242-3_28. HAL : hal-01590487.
- Sandro Bimonte, F Ferrucci, Robert Laurini & G Polese (2003). "Prototype of a Visual Language for Spatial Data Mining Based on the "Miner Trip" Metaphor: VisMiner". IEEE Symposium on Human Centric Computing Languages and Environments, 2003, 31 octobre 2003, Auckland (United States of America). doi : 10.1109/HCC.2003.1260206. HAL : hal-01588207.
- M. Rida, Azzedine Boulmakoul & Robert Laurini (2003). "Object Oriented Approach and Java-Based Distributed Simulation for Container Terminal Operational Management". International Conference On Information Systems and Engineering, ISE/SCS 2003, 20 juillet 2003, Montreal (Canada), p. 00. HAL : hal-01588214.
- Robert Laurini & Sylvie Servigne (2003). "New Perspectives in GIS Databases. Invited Talk for the 50 years of the EuroSDR". European Spatial Data Research and beyond, from OEEPE to EuroSDR", 16 octobre 2003, Munich (Germany), pp. 61-74. HAL : hal-01566606.
- Book edition (books, chapters, seminars, congress, special numbers) (2)
- M Gould, Robert Laurini & Stéphane Coulondre (2003). "AGILE 2003 : 6th AGILE conference on geographic information science". Presses Polytechniques et Universitaires Romandes. HAL : hal-01614323.
- Robert Laurini (2003). "Les portails de sites Internet des Villes". Données Urbaines, Denise Pumain, Marie-Flore Mattei, Anthropos, pp. 53-63. HAL : hal-01590504.