LIRIS : partenaire du projet OPTIMOD’LYON
The partnership agreement of Optimod'Lyon project has been signed on the 5th of April 2012 by the President of the Grand Lyon, the President of IBM France, the President of Renault Trucks, the Director of INSA Lyon and the Director of the LIRIS lab, which is partner of this project.
Optimod'Lyon is a response to the call for projects on urban mobility of ADEME. It is led by the Grand Lyon and involves 13 partners, with an overall budget of € 7 million. The goal is to improve people and goods traffic by developping a platform that will centralize all urban mobility data: network topology, theoretical or actual travel time, air quality ... From this information, three innovative services will be developed and tested by 2014: the forecast traffic to one hour, a mobile application for all modes of transport and a tool for optimizing urban freight.
LIRIS is involved in the part related to urban freight and the optimization of deliveries. Two LIRIS teams are concerned: M2DisCo and Combining. These two teams provide expertise and advice on constraint programming, combinatorial optimization, graph theory and data mining for solving complex mathematical problems which occur in this part. In particular, LIRIS will co-supervise with IBM a PhD thesis on the optimization of deliveries in an uncertain and dynamic urban environment, where traffic conditions are only partially known and vary depending on more or less predictable parameters such as, for example, weather, time of delivery, or traffic jams.
Optimod is a great opportunity for the LIRIS to work with the Grand Lyon and the many academic and industrial partners of the project, and to implement and validate its research on real data whose size and complexity is a challenge.
More information:
- Contact: christine.solnon@liris.cnrs.fr
- Optimod services in images - watch the film: https://vimeo.com/40652601