Manel Charfi reçoit le prix de la meilleure contribution « jeunes chercheurs » à BDA2014
Her contribution concerns the semantic optimization of continuous queries and its application to smart buildings.
Nowadays smart buildings play an important role in the energy's consumption control. The main challenge is to be able to fully exploit data coming from the control systems of smart buildings and to set up powerful but easy-to use management tools for these complex dynamic environments. We focus on energy optimization of a collective building, for example with 50 inhabitants. Since each inhabitant can set his preferences that may differ from those of his neighbours, we want to address the problem of optimization while satisfying users' preferences. We intend to integrate the user's preferences and approximations in the existing continuous queries among our intelligent building. These approximations, that we aim to represent using functional dependencies (FD) or conditional functional dependencies (CFD) or more often dependencies time (TFD), will be seen as new constraints defined by the user that the system must understand and integrate into the continuous queries' optimization process. Thus our aim is to define a semantic continuous query optimization process using constraints that may change in accordance with the user and the time unlike the Semantic Query Optimization (SQO) which resort to the static constraints used in the design and the standardization of the database .
Conference website: http://bda2014.imag.fr/