A violentometer for the scientific world

In 2023, the L'Oréal Foundation and IPSOS institute published an international survey of the research community in 117 countries. The survey revealed that 1 in 2 women scientists had experienced sexual harassment in the workplace. The violentometer is a tool to raise awareness of gender-based violence among people studying and/or working in the research world, and to enable them to assess their working environment. GREEN, ORANGE or RED? Where do you stand?


In 2023, the L'Oréal Foundation and IPSOS published an unprecedented international survey of the research community in 117 countries. The survey revealed that 1 in 2 women scientists had experienced sexual harassment in the workplace.

Based on this finding, the L'Oréal Foundation and the Genre - Rapports Intersectionnels, Relation Educative (G-RIRE) team at the Universitéì de Genève have proposed an adaptation of the violentometer for the world of research, to raise awareness among people studying and/or working in these fields, and enable them to assess their working environment (more info).

GREEN, ORANGE or RED? Where do you stand?

Download Violentometer in HD