Troisième prix de la fondation Hubert Tuor pour l'équipe LIRIS/INRIA Beagle
The LIRIS/Inria Beagle team, represented by Guillaume Beslon, received the third prize from the Hubert Tuor Foundation during the Innovation Academy of the international conference ICPIC (International Conference on Prevention and Infection Control) held in Geneva in June 2017
The team proposal was the development of a serious game based on the aevol simulator, to educate future physicians to the molecular evolution of antibiotic resistance. This is a joint project with Dominique Schneider's team in the TIMC-IMAG laboratory in Grenoble, France. The prize was awarded on June 23rd, 2017, in Geneva, after a selection process based on abstract, poster, short pitch and detailed presentation in the finals.
ICPIC website: http://www.icpic.com/