#StillSearching: Mobilisation against sexist and sexual violences in science
The L'Oréal Foundation presented the results of its survey on SSV in science last night. Many of the leaders of the ESR were present.
This report is published by the foundation in partnership with Femmes & Sciences, Femmes et Maths, Femmes Ingénieures and AneF.
You can find all the information here:
1 in 2 women scientists say they have been sexually harassed in the workplace. This is the finding of an unprecedented international survey of 5,200 scientists in 117 countries conducted by IPSOS for the L'Oréal Foundation.
Access to the full study: https://www.fondationloreal.com/sites/default/files/2023-03/rapport_francais_ipsos_fondation_l_oreal_sexual_harassment_and_sexism_2022_def.pdf
Access the call to action: https://www.fondationloreal.com/sites/default/files/2023-03/appel_action_vss.pdf