Brevet : “Procédé de complétion de requêtes SQL”
In collaboration with Pulsalys, LIRIS (UMR 5205 CNRS) registered a patent in France on August 14th 2017 (n° FR1757682), on a “SQL query completion process”.
SQL is a data standard, at the heart of current crucial Big Data challenges. This language is supported by leading industrial leaders such as Oracle, IBM, Microsoft or SAP.
Since this invention could be integrated to any SQL editor provided by those companies, Pulsalys supports the LIRIS in the transfer of this technology with potential market.
Three people are at the origin of this invention: Jean-Marc Petit and Marian Scuturici, teachers and researchers at LIRIS working at INSA Lyon, and Marie Le Guilly, currently doing a PhD under their supervision, on a specific grant dedicated to “Information and numerical society” challenges.