Luca Veyrin-Forrer

Former LIRIS member since: 2023-03-31
Quality | PhD student |
Team(s) | DM2L, Imagine |
Institution | Institut National des Sciences Appliquées de Lyon |
Thesis | Machine Learning meets Data Mining: Towards sparse and interpretable deep neural networks (click to view details) |
Publications (IdHAL : luca-veyrin-forrer)
Publications LIRIS pour Luca Veyrin-Forrer (6)
- 2024 (1)
- Journals (1)
- International journals with peer review (1)
- Luca Veyrin-Forrer, Ataollah Kamal, Stefan Duffner, Marc Plantevit & Céline Robardet (2024). "On GNN explanability with activation patterns". Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery, vol. 38, #5, pp. 3227-3261. doi : 10.1007/S10618-022-00870-Z. HAL : hal-03367714.
- 2023 (1)
- HDR, thesis (1)
- Thesis (1)
- Luca Veyrin-Forrer (2023). "Explaining machine learning models on graphs by identifying hidden structures built by GNNs". HAL : tel-04214965.
- 2022 (4)
- Journals (2)
- International journals with peer review (2)
- Luca Veyrin-Forrer, Ataollah Kamal, Stefan Duffner, Marc Plantevit & Céline Robardet (2022). "On GNN explanability with activation rules". Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery, vol. 38, #5, pp. 3227-3261. doi : 10.1007/s10618-022-00870-z. HAL : hal-03821784.
- Luca Veyrin-Forrer, Ataollah Kamal, Stefan Duffner, Marc Plantevit & Céline Robardet (2022). "In pursuit of the hidden features of GNN’s internal representations". Data and Knowledge Engineering, vol. 142, p. 102097. doi : 10.1016/j.datak.2022.102097. HAL : hal-03898323.
- Conferences (2)
- International conferences with peer review (1)
- Luca Veyrin-Forrer, Ataollah Kamal, Stefan Duffner, Marc Plantevit & Céline Robardet (2022). "What Does My GNN Really Capture? On Exploring Internal GNN Representations". International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence 2022, 22 juillet 2022, Vienna (Austria). HAL : hal-03700710.
- National conferences with peer review (1)
- Luca Veyrin-Forrer, Ataollah Kamal, Stefan Duffner, Marc Plantevit & Céline Robardet (2022). "Qu'est-ce que mon GNN capture vraiment ? Exploration des représentations internes d'un GNN". Extraction et Gestion des Connaissances (EGC 2022), 28 janvier 2022, Blois (France), pp. 159-170. HAL : hal-03921033.
Publications hors LIRIS
Publication hors LIRIS pour Luca Veyrin-Forrer (1)
- 2020 (1)
- Journals (1)
- International journals with peer review (1)
- Antoine Marot, Benjamin Donnot, Camilo Romero, Luca Veyrin-Forrer, Marvin Lerousseau, Balthazar Donon & Isabelle Guyon (2020). "Learning to run a power network challenge for training topology controllers". Electric Power Systems Research, vol. 189, p. 106635. doi : 10.1016/j.epsr.2020.106635. ArXiv : 1912.04211. HAL : hal-03159692.