SFC 2017
XXIV Francophone Society of Classification Meetings
From 28/06/2017 at 08:30 to 30/06/2017 to 12:00. Lyon
URL : http://polytech-sfc2017.univ-lyon1.fr/
Informations contact : Khalid Benabdeslem. khalid.benabdeslem@univ-lyon1.fr. 0472431997.
SFC organizes every year the Francophone Society of Classification Meetings, which aims to present recent results, original applications in clustering or in related fields, to promote scientific exchanges within the society and to make known to various external partners the work of its members.
In 2017, the LIRIS lab and Polytech’Lyon are mobilizing to organize this conference, which will take place from 28 to 30 June 2017 at Lyon.