Logging Interactive Visualizations & Visualizing Interaction Logs
On 23/10/2016 at 08:30 to 12:30. Baltimore, USA
URL : http://livvil.github.io/workshop/
Informations contact : Romain Vuillemot. romain.vuillemot@gmail.com.
== Logging Interactive Visualizations & Visualizing Interaction Logs ==
A IEEE Vis 2016 workshop, October 23rd or 24th 2016, Baltimore, MD, USA (http://ieeevis.org/)
We invite visualization researchers and practitioners to share their best practices and tools for logging their online visualizations.
In particular, we are interested in tackling the following log-related issues:
* How to log users interactions in a visualization system?
* How to design effective logging systems?
* How to make sense of those logs?
* How to deal with legal and ethical issues related to logging?
* How to design logs-based visualizations or any other application using log data?
More details on the workshop website: http://livvil.github.io/workshop/
Submission deadline: July 29, 2016
Submission format: Position papers (abstract, 2 or 4 pages) using the IEEE VGTC template
Workshop: Half a day on October 23rd 2016
Romain Vuillemot (Université de Lyon, France)
Jeremy Boy (United Nations Global Pulse New York Lab, USA)
Aurélien Tabard (Université de Lyon, France)
Charles Perin (University of Calgary, Canada)
Jean-Daniel Fekete (Inria, France)
Contact the organizers: romain.vuillemot@gmail.com