AAP LabCom ANR 2021
The 2021 edition of the ANR's Joint Labs program is launched. The first evaluation session of the projects will take place on 25/05/05.
The submission of project remains possible until 21 September 2021.
The LabCom program aims to create a long-term structured partnership between an academic research laboratory and an innovative SME/ETI. The link below gives more details on the characteristics of a LabCom, the procedure for submitting applications, and the conditions of eligibility.
From 22/04/2021 at 15:00 to 24/05/2021 to 15:00. on line
URL : https://anr.fr/fr/detail/call/laboratoires-communs-organismes-de-recherche-publics-tpepme-eti-labcom-appel-a-propositions-ed-1/
Informations contact : CAVRET Djemilia. djemila.cavret@liris.cnrs.fr.