Thesis of Ana-Maria Vintescu

3D Copy-Paste: Cross Parameterization of 3D Data

Defense date: 28/06/2017

Advisor: Florent Dupont


Currently, the entertainment and advertising industries find themselves amongst the most rapidly developing areas. Considering the recent developments in 3D displays, graphical processing units and web-based 3D technologies, the
Computer Graphics related departments of these industries have to deal with an
important increase of activity.
One of the most resource-consuming tasks is represented by the production 3D models, which not only requires the creation of the geometry of 3D objects, but also have to take into account the enrichment of the visual aspect of these objects,
by creating a large number of geometrical structures, called « Geometrical Meta-Data », such as: texture atlases, bump maps, animation skeletons, deformation
cages, volumetric textures, etc.
The motivation behind this Ph.D. is the optimization of the production and
editing chain of 3D content, by automatically creating new 3D models from exiting ones, through a system which allows the user to interactively Copy-Paste
Geometrical Meta-Data.