Raywat Makkhongkaew

Former LIRIS member since: 2016-12-31
Quality | PhD student |
Team(s) | DM2L |
Institution | Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1 |
Thesis | Statistical learning for performance diagnosis of dry port by rail (click to view details) |
Publications (IdHAL : raywat-makkhongkaew)
Publications LIRIS pour Raywat Makkhongkaew (6)
- 2016 (4)
- Conferences (3)
- International conferences with peer review (2)
- Raywat Makkhongkaew & Khalid Benabdeslem (2016). "Semi-supervised similarity preserving co-selection". IEEE ICDM Workshop on High Dimensional Data Mining, 12 décembre 2016, Barcelona (Spain). HAL : hal-01367845.
- Raywat Makkhongkaew, Khalid Benabdeslem & Haytham Elghazel (2016). "Semi-supervised co-selection: features and instances by a weighting approach". International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN 2016), 24 juillet 2016, Vancouver (Canada). HAL : hal-01340591.
- National conferences with peer review (1)
- Raywat Makkhongkaew, Khalid Benabdeslem & Haytham Elghazel (2016). "Co-sélection instances-variables en mode semi-supervisé". AAFD & SFC'16: Francophone International Conference on Data Science, 22 mai 2016, Marrakech (Morocco). HAL : hal-01340584.
- HDR, thesis (1)
- Thesis (1)
- Raywat Makkhongkaew (2016). "Semi-supervised co-selection : instances and features". HAL : hal-01512600.
- 2015 (2)
- Journals (1)
- Other journals (1)
- Raywat Makkhongkaew, Stéphane Bonnevay, Alex Aussem & Khalid Benabdeslem (2015). "Classification model for performance diagnosis of dry port by rail". Journal of Society for Transportation and Traffic Studies, vol. 6, #2, pp. 31-40. HAL : hal-01134826.
- Conferences (1)
- International conferences with peer review (1)
- Khalid Benabdeslem, Mohammed Hindawi & Raywat Makkhongkaew (2015). "Weighting-based approach for semi-supervised feature selection". International Conference on Neural Information Processing, 9 novembre 2015, Istanbul (Turkey). HAL : hal-01198437.