Georges Nader

Former LIRIS member since: 2016-11-30
Quality | PhD student |
Team(s) | M2DisCo |
Institution | Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1 |
Personal page | |
Thesis | Perceptual Quality Evaluation of Dynamic Meshes and its Applications. (click to view details) |
Publications (IdHAL : georges-nader)
Publications LIRIS pour Georges Nader (5)
- 2016 (3)
- Journals (2)
- International journals with peer review (2)
- Georges Nader, Kai Wang, Franck Hétroy-Wheeler & Florent Dupont (2016). "Just Noticeable Distortion Profile for Flat-Shaded 3D Mesh Surfaces". IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, vol. 22, #11, pp. 2423-2436. doi : 10.1109/TVCG.2015.2507578. HAL : hal-01242271.
- Georges Nader, Kai Wang, Franck Hétroy-Wheeler & Florent Dupont (2016). "Visual Contrast Sensitivity and Discrimination for 3D Meshes and their Applications". Computer Graphics Forum, vol. 35, #7, pp. 497-506. doi : 10.1111/cgf.13046. HAL : hal-01376275.
- HDR, thesis (1)
- Thesis (1)
- Georges Nader (2016). "Evaluating the visibility threshold for a local geometric distortion on a 3D mesh and its applications". HAL : tel-01456768.
- 2015 (1)
- Conferences (1)
- National conferences with peer review (1)
- Georges Nader, Kai Wang, Franck Hétroy-Wheeler & Florent Dupont (2015). "Modèle Perceptuel pour la Détection du Seuil de Visibilité des Distorsions sur un Maillage 3D". 28èmes journées de l’Association Française en Informatique Graphique, 27 novembre 2015, Lyon (France). HAL : hal-01245373.
- 2014 (1)
- Journals (1)
- International journals with peer review (1)
- Georges Nader, Gael Guennebaud & Nicolas Mellado (2014). "Adaptive multi-scale analysis for point-based surface editing". Computer Graphics Forum, vol. 33, p. 9. doi : 10.1111/cgf.12485. HAL : hal-01059392.