Conférence Mondiale du WEB www2012
WWW is the most selective International Conference of the Web (rated A with a selection rate of 12%) and also the most popular one (between 1000 and 1500 participants from all over the world, every year since 1994).
In 2012, WWW will be held in Lyon from the 16th to 20th of April and the foreseen program is already very rich and attractive:
- More than a hundred selected international presentations of the latest scientific findings concerning the web, by the most important actors in the field
- Six parallel sessions over two days of tutorials including a track led by experts from the W3C
- Twenty workshops including very important recurrent events (e.g. LDOW) and very innovative ones (e.g. PhiloWeb)
- Presentations of European projects in a one-day dedicated track
- Two days of presentations by industrial economic players of all sizes, from large accounts to SMEs
- Dedicated areas for posters and demonstrations
- Already three prestigious invited speakers: Neelie Kroes (Vice-President of the European Commission and European Commissioner for Digital Agenda), Sir Tim Berners-Lee (Inventor of the Web and W3C Director) and Bernard Stiegler (Director of the IRI Research Centre Georges Pompidou museum)
- A track dedicated to developers over three days
- Sessions devoted to panels on many issues related to the web
- Co-located conferences as the conference on web accessibility (W4A) or tracks dedicated to sister conferences (e.g. Web Science)
- Two days of presentations from the working groups leaders of W3C
In addition we intend to setup events promoting meetings and discussions: a data meetup, lighting talks, an exhibit hall dedicated to the Web, etc.
General Chair : Alain Mille (LIRIS CNRS), Fabien Gandon (INRIA), Jacques Misselis (ex-HP)
Organization Chair : Luc Mariaux (EC-Lyon), Laurent Flory (UdL)
Site : http://www2012.org