Le LIRIS, au coeur des humanités à travers un récit d'aventures scientifiques porté par le Grand Lyon
For the publication of the work entitled "In the field of humanities : 8 narratives of scientific adventures in the region of Lyon" managed by the “Grand Lyon” in the research fields of Human Sciences, Literature and Numerical studies from the University of Lyon, the LIRIS accepted the invitation of the Human Sciences Agency FRV100 to present some activities supported by pluridisciplinary STIC-SHS collaborations.
Most of them are associated to the recent convention between the LIRIS and the ISH of Lyon (Institut des Sciences de l’Homme) and the pluridisciplinary Labex IMU (Intelligence des Mondes Urbains).
The narrative of the exchanges with one member of the Imagine Team of LIRIS can be found in the web site http://fr.calameo.com