Inauguration du centre international de recherche et d’innovation IRIXYS
The International Research and Innovation Center in Intelligent Digital Systems (IRIXYS) is composed of around 40 researchers and PhD students from the Universities of Lyon (France), Passau (Germany) and Milan (Italy). The research topics covered by the IRIXYS teams are:
- Cognitive Computing, Prescriptive Big Data analytics, and Information Retrieval and Management
- Trust, Protection, and Privacy
- Collaborative Distributed Systems (e.g., clouds, peer to peer applications, cyber-physical systems, social mobile applications (e.g., crowd sensing), internet of things (loT), industrial systems 4.0)
The privileged application and dissemination fields are: e-humanities and cultural heritage, e-health, e-enterprise and multimedia digital services.
Around these scientiflc areas, the IRIXYS Center coordinates a joint research program supported by a large spectrum of activities:
- Research projects (international, national, bilateral) supported by important research funding agencies
- International doctoral college
- a joint integrated master + doctorate program
- Industrial partnerships (local and small companies, big international groups)
- Academie partnerships
- Scientific and technological knowledge dissemination
ln order to achieve these objectives, IRIXYS relies on strong governance mechanisms, a joint research and innovation agenda and innovative tools for collaboration.
IRIXYS is a "without walls" structure, completely integrated in the scientific and socio-economic ecosystems to which the concerned teams belong. Our regions (Auvergne-Rhone-Alpes, Bavaria and Lombardia) offer unique opportunities supported by very strong actors (universities, territorial institutions, companies). Inversely, local dynamics could be capitalized in bigger integrated European projects.