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Articles dans des Revues Internationales

S. Gosselin, G. Damiand, C. Solnon. Efficient Search of Combinatorial Maps using Signatures. Theoretical Computer Science, 2010. to appear.
G. Damiand, A. Dupas, and J.-O. Lachaud. Fully deformable 3d digital partition model with topological control. Pattern Recognition Letter, 2010. to appear.
R. Goffe, L. Brun, and G. Damiand. Tiled top-down combinatorial pyramids for large images representation. International Journal of Imaging Systems and Technology, 2010. to appear.
A. Dupas and G. Damiand. Region merging with topological control. Discrete Applied Mathematics, 157(16):3435–3446, August 2009.
S. Peltier, A. Ion, W.g. Kropatsch, G. Damiand, and Y. Haxhimusa. Directly computing the generators of image homology using graph pyramids. Image and Vision Computing, 27(7):846–853, June 2009.
S. Horna, D. Meneveaux, G. Damiand, and Y. Bertrand. Consistency constraints and 3d building reconstruction. Computer-Aided Design, 41(1):13–27, January 2009.
G. Damiand. Topological model for 3d image representation: Definition and incremental extraction algorithm. Computer Vision and Image Understanding, 109(3):260–289, March 2008.
C. Simon, G. Damiand, and P. Lienhardt. nd generalized map pyramids: Definition, representations and basic operations. Pattern Recognition, 39(4):527–538, April 2006.
G. Damiand, M. Dexet-Guiard, P. Lienhardt, and E. Andres. Removal and contraction operations to define combinatorial pyramids: Application to the design of a spatial modeler. Image and Vision Computing, 23(2):259–269, February 2005.
G. Damiand, Y. Bertrand, and C. Fiorio. Topological model for two-dimensional image representation: Definition and optimal extraction algorithm. Computer Vision and Image Understanding, 93(2):111–154, February 2004.
G. Damiand and P. Resch. Split and merge algorithms defined on topological maps for 3d image segmentation. Graphical Models, 65(1-3):149–167, May 2003.
G. Damiand, M. Habib, and C. Paul. A simple paradigm for graph recognition: Application to cographs and distance hereditary graphs. Theoretical Computer Science, 263(1-2):99–111, July 2001.

Articles dans des Conférences Internationales

R. Goffe, G. Damiand, and L. Brun. A causal extraction scheme in top-down pyramids for large images segmentation. In Proc. of 13th International Workshop on Structural and Syntactic Pattern Recognition, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Cesme, Izmir, Turkey, August 2010. Springer Berlin/Heidelberg. to appear.
S. Gosselin, G. Damiand, and C. Solnon. Signatures of combinatorial maps. In Proc. of 13th International Workshop on Combinatorial Image Analysis, volume 5852 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 370–382, Cancun, Mexico, November 2009. Springer Berlin/Heidelberg.
R. Goffe, G. Damiand, and L. Brun. Extraction of tiled top-down irregular pyramids from large images. In Proc. of 13th International Workshop on Combinatorial Image Analysis, Research Publishing Services, pages 123–137, Cancun, Mexico, November 2009. RPS, Singapore.
A. Dupas, G. Damiand, and J.-O. Lachaud. Multi-label simple points definition for 3d images digital deformable model. In Proc. of 15th International Conference on Discrete Geometry for Computer Imagery, volume 5810 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 156–167, Montréal, Canada, September 2009. Springer Berlin/Heidelberg.
S. Alayrangues, S. Peltier, G. Damiand, and P. Lienhardt. Border operator for generalized maps. In Proc. of 15th International Conference on Discrete Geometry for Computer Imagery, volume 5810 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 300–312, Montréal, Canada, September 2009. Springer Berlin/Heidelberg.
G. Damiand, C. De La Higuera, J.-C. Janodet, E. Samuel, and C. Solnon. A polynomial algorithm for subisomorphism of holey plane graphs. In Proc. of 7th International Workshop on Mining and Learning with Graphs, Leuven, Belgium, July 2009.
G. Damiand, C. De La Higuera, J.-C. Janodet, E. Samuel, and C. Solnon. Polynomial algorithm for submap isomorphism: Application to searching patterns in images. In Proc. of 7th Workshop on Graph-Based Representation in Pattern Recognition, volume 5534 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 102–112, Venice, Italy, May 2009. Springer Berlin/Heidelberg.
F. Baldacci, A. Braquelaire, and G. Damiand. 3d topological map extraction from oriented boundary graph. In Proc. of 7th Workshop on Graph-Based Representations in Pattern Recognition, volume 5534 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 283–292, Venice, Italy, May 2009. Springer Berlin/Heidelberg.
R. Goffe, L. Brun, and G. Damiand. A top-down construction scheme for irregular pyramids. In Proc. of 4th International Conference On Computer Vision Theory And Applications, pages 163–170, Lisboa, Portugal, February 2009.
G. Damiand and D. Coeurjolly. A generic and parallel algorithm for 2d image discrete contour reconstruction. In Proc. of 4th International Symposium on Visual Computing, volume 5359 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 792–801, Las vegas, Nevada, USA, December 2008. Springer Berlin/Heidelberg.
G. Damiand and S. Alayrangues. Computing canonical polygonal schemata with generalized maps. In Proc. of International Conference on Topological & Geometric Graph Theory, volume 31 of Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics, pages 287–292, Paris, France, August 2008. Elsevier.
A. Dupas and G. Damiand. First results for 3d image segmentation with topological map. In Proc. of 14th International Conference on Discrete Geometry for Computer Imagery, volume 4992 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 507–518, Lyon, France, April 2008. Springer Berlin/Heidelberg.
M. Baba-Ali, G. Damiand, X. Skapin, and D. Marcheix. Insertion and expansion operations for n -dimensional generalized maps. In Proc. of 14th International Conference on Discrete Geometry for Computer Imagery, volume 4992 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 141–152, Lyon, France, April 2008. Springer Berlin/Heidelberg.
G. Damiand, S. Peltier, and L. Fuchs. Computing homology generators for volumes using minimal generalized maps. In Proc. of 12th International Workshop on Combinatorial Image Analysis, volume 4958 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 63–74, Buffalo, NY, USA, April 2008. Springer Berlin/Heidelberg.
A. Dupas and G. Damiand. Comparison of local and global region merging in the topological map. In Proc. of 12th International Workshop on Combinatorial Image Analysis, volume 4958 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 420–431, Buffalo, NY, USA, April 2008. Springer Berlin/Heidelberg.
S. Peltier, A. Ion, Y. Haxhimusa, W.g. Kropatsch, and G. Damiand. Computing homology group generators of images using irregular graph pyramids. In Proc. of 6th Workshop on Graph-Based Representations in Pattern Recognition, volume 4538 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 283–294, Alicante, Spain, June 2007. Springer Berlin/Heidelberg.
G. Damiand and D. Arrivault. A new contour filling algorithm based on 2d topological map. In Proc. of 6th Workshop on Graph-Based Representations in Pattern Recognition, volume 4538 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 319–329, Alicante, Spain, June 2007. Springer Berlin/Heidelberg.
S. Horna, G. Damiand, D. Meneveaux, and Y. Bertrand. Building 3d indoor scenes topology from 2d architectural plans. In Proc. of 2nd International Conference on Computer Graphics Theory and Applications, pages 37–44, Barcelona, Spain, March 2007.
G. Damiand, S. Peltier, and L. Fuchs. Computing homology for surfaces with generalized maps: Application to 3d images. In Proc. of 2nd International Symposium on Visual Computing, volume 4292 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 235–244, Lake Tahoe, Nevada, USA, November 2006. Springer Berlin/Heidelberg.
C. Simon and G. Damiand. Generalized map pyramid for multi-level 3d image segmentation. In Proc. of 13th International Conference on Discrete Geometry for Computer Imagery, volume 4245 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 530–541, Szeged, Hungary, October 2006. Springer Berlin/Heidelberg.
G. Damiand, P. Peltier, L. Fuchs, and P. Lienhardt. Topological map: An efficient tool to compute incrementally topological features on 3d images. In Proc. of 11th International Workshop on Combinatorial Image Analysis, volume 4040 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 1–15, Berlin, Germany, June 2006. Springer Berlin/Heidelberg.
C. Simon, G. Damiand, and P. Lienhardt. Receptive fields for generalized map pyramids: The notion of generalized orbit. In Proc. of 12th International Conference on Discrete Geometry for Computer Imagery, volume 3429 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 56–67, Poitiers, France, April 2005. Springer Berlin/Heidelberg.
C. Simon, G. Damiand, and P. Lienhardt. Pyramids of n-dimensional generalized maps. In Proc. of 5th Workshop on Graph-Based Representations in Pattern Recognition, volume 3434 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 142–152, Poitiers, France, April 2005. Springer Berlin/Heidelberg.
G. Damiand and P. Lienhardt. Removal and contraction for n-dimensional generalized maps. In Proc. of 11th International Conference on Discrete Geometry for Computer Imagery, volume 2886 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 408–419, Naples, Italy, November 2003. Springer Berlin/Heidelberg.
G. Damiand, O. Alata, and C. Bihoreau. Using 2d topological map information in a markovian image segmentation. In Proc. of 11th International Conference on Discrete Geometry for Computer Imagery, volume 2886 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 288–297, Naples, Italy, November 2003. Springer Berlin/Heidelberg.
A. Braquelaire, G. Damiand, J.-P. Domenger, and F. Vidil. Comparison and convergence of two topological models for 3d image segmentation. In Proc. of 4th Workshop on Graph-Based Representations in Pattern Recognition, volume 2726 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 59–70, York, England, July 2003. Springer Berlin/Heidelberg.
P. Bourdon, O. Alata, G. Damiand, C. Olivier, and Y. Bertrand. Geometrical and topological informations for image segmentation with monte carlo markov chain implementation. In Proc. of 15th IAPR International Conference on Vision Interface, pages 413–420, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, May 2002.
G. Damiand and P. Resch. Topological map based algorithms for 3d image segmentation. In Proc. of 10th International Conference on Discrete Geometry for Computer Imagery, volume 2301 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 220–231, Bordeaux, France, April 2002. Springer Berlin/Heidelberg.
Y. Bertrand, G. Damiand, and C. Fiorio. Topological map: Minimal encoding of 3d segmented images. In Proc. of 3rd Workshop on Graph-Based Representation in Pattern Recognition, pages 64–73, Ischia, Italy, May 2001.
Y. Bertrand, G. Damiand, and C. Fiorio. Topological encoding of 3d segmented images. In Proc. of 9th International Conference on Discrete Geometry for Computer Imagery, volume 1953 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 311–324, Uppsala, Sweden, December 2000. Springer Berlin/Heidelberg.
J.P Gourlot, M. Giner, E. Ahronovitz, M. Hugon, and G. Damiand. Latest developments and results in automatic scf counting. part ii: Improved image acquisition and results obtained. In Proc. of Beltwide Cotton Conferences, pages 1522–1524, San Diego, CA, USA, January 1998.
J.P. Gourlot, M. Giner, E. Ahronovitz, G. Damiand, and M. Hugon. Latest developments and results in automatic scf counting. In Proc. of Beltwide Cotton Conferences, pages 1633–1637, New-Orleans, Louisiana, USA, January 1997.


G. Damiand and L. Brun. Géométrie discrète et images numériques, chapitre 4. Cartes combinatoires pour l’analyse d’images, chapter 4, pages 103–120. Traité IC2, Signal et Image. Hermès Paris, France, Août 2007.
G. Damiand. Définition et étude d’un modèle topologique minimal de représentation d’images 2d et 3d. Thèse de doctorat, Université Montpellier II, décembre 2001.

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