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Team members
Prénom | Nom | Statut | Employeur | Implantation |
Mourtaza | Abbasbhay | PhD student | Autre | Écully (ECL) |
Mohsen | Ardabilian | Associate Professor | École Centrale de Lyon | Écully (ECL) |
Mehdi | Atamna | Teaching Assistant | Université Lumière Lyon 2 | Bron (Université Lyon2) |
Bolutife | Atoki | PhD student | Université Lumière Lyon 2 | Bron (Université Lyon2) |
Aloïs | Babé | PhD student | Autre | Bron (Université Lyon2) |
Stanislas | Bagnol | PhD student | Autre | Blaise Pascal (INSA) |
Killian | Barrere | Associate Professor | Institut National des Sciences Appliquées de Lyon | Blaise Pascal (INSA) |
Atilla | Baskurt | Professor | Institut National des Sciences Appliquées de Lyon | Blaise Pascal (INSA) |
Mathis | Baubriaud | PhD student | Autre | Écully (ECL) |
Gwendal | Bernardi | PhD student | Autre | Écully (ECL) |
Cédric | Boscher | PhD student | Institut National des Sciences Appliquées de Lyon | Blaise Pascal (INSA) |
Joanne | Boulos | PhD student | Autre | Blaise Pascal (INSA) |
Zied | Bouyahya | Autre enseignant-chercheur | École Centrale de Lyon | Écully (ECL) |
Stéphane | Bres | Associate Professor | Institut National des Sciences Appliquées de Lyon | Blaise Pascal (INSA) |
Shannon | Bruderer | Assistant Engineer | Institut National des Sciences Appliquées de Lyon | Blaise Pascal (INSA) |
Aurélien | Cecille | PhD student | Autre | Blaise Pascal (INSA) |
Alexandre | Chapin | PhD student | École Centrale de Lyon | Écully (ECL) |
Marc | Chapus | PhD student | Institut National des Sciences Appliquées de Lyon | Blaise Pascal (INSA) |
Ruochen | Chen | PhD student | Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique | Écully (ECL) |
Liming | Chen | Professor | École Centrale de Lyon | Écully (ECL) |
Carlos | Crispim-Junior | Associate Professor | Université Lumière Lyon 2 | Bron (Université Lyon2) |
Franck | Davoine | Research Director | Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique | Blaise Pascal (INSA) |
Emmanuel | Dellandréa | Associate Professor | École Centrale de Lyon | Écully (ECL) |
Arthur | Dérédel | PhD student | Autre | Bron (Université Lyon2) |
Stéphane | Derrode | Professor | École Centrale de Lyon | Écully (ECL) |
Nomination of our former PhD student, Prof.Di Huang at Beihang University, as China-France Outstanding Young Scientific Researcher 2024
Proud of our former PhD student, Prof.Di Huang at Beihang University, who has been nominated China-France Outstanding Young Scientific Researcher within the "China-France Outstanding Young Scientific Researchers Exchange Program".
Best student paper award at 3DV 2024
Ruochen Chen, a PhD student at Ecole Centrale Lyon in the Imagine team, won the Best Student Paper Award at 3DV 2024 in Davos, Switzerland. The paper "GAPS: self-supervised, geometry-aware, physics-based neural garment draping" was co-supervised by Liming Chen and Shaifali Parashar.
The 2022 FIEEC-Bpifrance Prize for Applied Research awarded to Liming Chen
The Federation of Electrical, Electronic and Communication Industries (FIEEC) and Bpifrance have unveiled the 2022 Prizes for Applied Research.
Dimitri won the best paper award at the Earthvision'2022 workshop in conjunction with CVPR'2022, Nouvelle Orléans, June 19th, 2022
Dimitri Gominski, our former PhD student, won the best paper award at the Earthvision workshop 2022 in conjunction with CVPR'2022, with the paper entitled "Cross-dataset learning for generalizable land use scene classification", a paper describing his thesis work under co-supervision of Dr.Dr.Valérie Gouet-Brunet of l'Institut de Géographie Nationale (IGN).
Liming Chen appointed senior member at the IUF on the innovation chair
Look, Touch and Manipulate: Simulation empowered Self-supervised learning through self-play for dexterous robotic manipulation using Vision and Tactile Feeling
Nakano "Best Paper Award" at DAS 2022 for Thibault Douzon
On May 25th 2022, Thibault Douzon, a PhD student in the Imagine team in partnership with Esker, was awarded the Nakano "Best Paper" award for his article entitled "Improving Information Extraction in Business Documents with Specific Pre-Training". His work, carried out under the direction of Stefan Duffner, Christophe Garcia, and Jérémy Espinas, was presented at the 15th edition of the international workshop on Document Analysis Systems (DAS) at La Rochelle.
DGtal release 1.2
DGtal is an open source C++ library for the geometry processing of digital data (geometry processing on grids). The library has been managed at LIRIS since 2010 and thanks to a special support from the LIRIS, this new release contains a brand new python binding of the library.
Fabien Baradel receives the runner-up (2nd place) PhD thesis prize given by AFRIF
A special mention (second place) was awarded to Fabien BARADEL for his thesis entitled "Structured deep learning for video analysis" done at the University of Lyon under the supervision of Christian Wolf and Julien Mille.
3 papers accepted at the conference CVPR by groups IMAGINE and SICAL
Three papers from the IMAGINE work group of LIRIS have been accepted at the conference CVPR. CVPR is the conference with the highest impact in computer science as measured by the H5 index (=299), and 5th highest impact publication in general science after “Nature”, “The new England Journal of Medicine”, “Science” and “The Lancet”.
VISAPP 2020 best industrial paper award
Ms. Julia Cohen has won the VISAPP 2020 best industrial paper award for her paper "CAD-Based Learning for Egocentric Object Detection in Industrial Context".
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Title | Type de projet | Dates contrat | Partenaire(s) |
Augmented Artwork Analysis -- Computer-aided interpretation device for art images | ANR | 2021 - 2025 | Université de Liège, Interactions, corpus, apprentissages, représentations ( ICAR ) |
AI empowered general purpose assistive robotiC system for dexterous object manipulation tHrough embodIed teleopeRation and shared cONtrol | ANR | 2021 - 2023 |
Title | Type de projet | Dates contrat | Partenaire(s) |
Learning Reasoning, Memory and Behavior | ANR | 2020 - 2024 | Centre d'Innovation en Télécommunications et Intégration de services |
Full Artificial Intelligence & Robotics for Wastes | ANR | 2020 - 2023 | |
Delicio | ANR | 2019 - 2023 | Centre d'Innovation en Télécommunications et Intégration de services |
Similarités entre données localement structurées pour la vision par ordinateur | ANR | 2014 - 2018 | Laboratoire Hubert Curien |
Title | Type de projet | Dates contrat | Partenaire(s) |
Covid Dynamics | Institutions | 2020 - 2021 | Hospices Civils de Lyon, Laboratoire de Biométrie et Biologie Evolutive, Laboratoire de Mécanique des Fluides et d’Acoustique, Institut Camille Jordan, Laboratoire de Tribologie et Dynamique des Systèmes, Laboratoire de Sciences Actuarielle et Financière |