.. _download: Download the source =================== Tal4Rdf is an open source `python 2.x`_ library (it is *not* available for python 3.x yet). It is distributed under the LGPL_. You can download it using subversion_, using the following command:: svn co https://svn.liris.cnrs.fr/pchampin/t4r/trunk NB: SVN may complain about the SSL certificate, because the certifying authority is not known (CNRS), and because the hostname of the certificate (``liris.cnrs.fr``) does not match the one from the server. This is a known problem -- but not one I can solve... :-( Alternatively, you can download the `source tarball <../dist>`_. The following libraries are required: * simpletal_ * at least one of the following: * rdflib_ * python binding of redland_ .. _`python 2.x`: http://python.org/ .. _LGPL: http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/lesser.html .. _subversion: http://subversion.tigris.org/ .. _simpletal: http://www.owlfish.com/software/simpleTAL/ .. _rdflib: http://rdflib.net/ .. _redland: http://librdf.org/