SoCQ4Home Project

The SoCQ4Home project tackles the general issue of the reduction of energy consumption for buildings. Through instrumentation with numerous and various sensors, such instrumented buildings can provide a lot of information about themselves while being occupied: effective usage of rooms, thermal behavior during days and nights, etc. Instrumented buildings can also provide additional services to their users, then becoming smart buildings.

The SoCQ4Home project focuses on the monitoring of instrumented buildings with four axes:

You can print the SoCQ4Home Platform Flyer (in French, two-sided layout) to get a quick overview of the project.

Web Site

This Web site describes the SoCQ4Home Project. You can read:


Service-oriented Continuous Queries for Smart Buildings

DeMon SQuIB ("commercial" name)

Declarative Monitoring for Smart Queryable Instrumented Building

DeMon SQuIB Project Logo (SoCQ4Home)