Table des matières

An Avatar-based Workflow for the Semantic Web of Things

Lionel Médini

LIRIS Lab. / University of Lyon

Lyon, France


  1. Project overview
  2. Notion of avatar
  3. Semantic aspects
  4. Prototype & demo
  5. Conclusion

The ASAWoO project

Project facts

Team background

Avatar-oriented infrastructures



⇒ ~Servient in WoT IG terminology


Component-based avatar architecture


sSOTA (short State Of The Art)


Main classes


Workflow #1

Local functionality discovery

At initialization time:

Workflow #2

Collaborative functionality discovery

At update time:

(Prototype of) Prototype

Prototype description

3 interrelated prototypes:

  1. Interoperability Platform
    1. handles device connections
    2. provides capability descriptions
  2. ASAWoO Platform
    1. manages semantic repositories
    2. controls avatar lifecycle
  3. Avatar
    1. discovers local functionalities
    2. collaborates to build multi-object functionalities

…Plus the HyLAR JS reasoner

Prototype description

Demo time!


Current state of the project



To the students who contributed to this prototype:

This work is supported by the French ANR (Agence Nationale de la Recherche), with grant number <ANR-13-INFR-012>.

…Thank you for your attention.


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