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Guillaume Damiand

oHome page




oSupervised Thesis





nD Cellular Combinatorial Models for Images and Computer Graphics


oMy position

    I am senior researcher, member of the CNRS in the LIRIS laboratory (Laboratoire d'InfoRmatique en Image et Systèmes d'information, UMR5205) in Lyon, since October, 1st 2018.

    Before, I was junior rechercher in LIRIS from 1st October, 1st 2008 to September, 30th 2018; and assistant Professor in the Signal-Image-Communications (S.I.C.) laboratory and in the science faculty of the Poitiers University between February 2003 and September 2008. I have made my PhD thesis in the LIRMM laboratory in Montpellier, between October 1998 and September 2001.

oMy researches

    My main topics of interest are about combinatorial models (combinatorial maps, generalized maps, simplicial sets, chain of maps...), I am studying their properties, the definition of specific models depending on precise needs and to the use of these models in image processing or in geometrical modelling (see the page research for more details, and see also my publications).

Book on combinatorial maps


Combinatorial maps
Linear cell complex
Generalized maps
Surface mesh topology