The Whole Brain Architecture Initiative

The Whole Brain Architecture Initiative (WBAI) is an NPO promoting research efforts to realize human-like AGI based on the WBA approach.

WBAI will have a paper presentation on a computational platform in the regular session at BICA 2015.

It will also have a separate session on the WBA approach:

Day 2: Saturday, November 7 5:30 pm - 6:30 pm
Chair: Tarek Besold
5:30pm-5:45pm Hiroshi Yamakawa
Intorduction to the Whole Brain Architecture
5:45pm-6:00pm Koichi Takahashi
Open development platforms for the Whole Brain Architecture Project
6:00pm-6:10pm Takeshi Itoh, Ayaka Kato & Jumpei Ukita
1st WBAI hackthon winners' presentation –
Modeling the Development of Place Cells in Hippocampus
6:10pm-6:30pm Panel Discussions
β€œIs WBA whole brain simulation?”
Antonio Chella, Koichi Takahashi, Takashi Omori & Satoshi Kurihara

WBAI will be a BICA 2015 Sponsor and will have a 'bare stand' to visit.